Chapter 2: A day in Driftveil

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(Y/N): Your Name, (H/C): Hair Color, (F/C): Favorite Color, (E/C): Eye color,

11-19-21, (Read chapter 1 for Backstory)

Page stats: 5.6 pages, 1,900 words, 10,500+ Character&spaces typed.

You pulled on your hair, flustrated it won't obey. You surrender and sigh, reaching for your bag. Milotic was sitting outside waiting on you. You were getting ready for a trip to the city about 10 minutes away by walk. You needed to restock and Milotic missed her poke-treats. It had been about 4 or 5 days since you last visited. You usually stay by a cafe in the middle of town, where you buy their stocks of cake-treats for pokemon, Milotic's favorite place.

You opened the door and closed it behind you. "Town is going to be busier today." You told Milotic as you started to walk to the woodline. You had been in your walk for about 5 minutes before discovering small mushrooms usually sought after in the shops. You gathered them and stuffed them in a side pocket on your bag. A few minutes later, noticing town in eyeshot, you started to slip through lighter foliage. Milotic and you then start to walk off the side of the walkway trying to avoid traffic or crowds. You then notice at the entrance of your favorite cafe, there was a gathering of team plasma members. You had heard rumors of the nuances but never really stuck around to experience their speeches. People were already surrounding them even though no one was speeching yet. You studied your surroundings, trying to find a way into the cafe already.

You made eye contact. He was so Handsome, something inside you flutter. His green hair flowed along his back. It seems he was already staring you down before you notice him. He stood off the side of the bunch blocking the entrance. You blinked multiple times when you noticed yourself staring. You turned on your heels when heard Milotic snarl. A man with reddish-orange hair dressed in white was trying to touch Milotic.

You sucked your lips in, making a kissing sound. Milotic retreated to your call and came beside you. "She's so beautiful, You horrible trainers! capturing this rare beauty and locking her up in a Pokeball! forcing her to fight for you." He spat with disgust towards you. You heard footsteps behind you. "For your information, she is not forced to fight." you snapped at him somehow calmly. His hand started to rest on an ultra ball. "Milotic" he cooed, trying to lure her to him. "Milotic" you nodded towards her. She breathed and shot a small ice beam towards the man's feet, causing him to trip. You smiled and remember someone walking towards you from behind. You turned around and no one was there. could it have been your imagination?

"By the way, Milotic is very happy with me and she does not like when other people touch her," you stated. He pulled out his ultra ball and before almost releasing his pokemon. He stopped. He tisked and cursed under his breath.

A few minutes after the scene, the plasma team started to speak. You notice the announcer. It was the beautiful man you saw. A sense tingled in your body, you called in Milotic and you left the entrance to the cafe. Instead, you slipped around the back by the employee's only door. You were so glad to be friends with the owner.

You closed the door behind you and slipped out the door that allowed the employees inside the back. Inside, you released Milotic where she was safer, letting her rest. "Miss (Y/N)! You're finally back in town!" Mia had called your name before you almost sat down. "I got whiff from the employees that you snuck in from the back. How are you?" She smiled and trotted in your direction. "Aww! Little miss Milly is getting bigger!" She squeaked while handing Milotic her homemade cake puffs. Milotic chirped. Milotic love Mia, especially her baking. Mia knew Milotic when she was a beautiful, purple Feebas. You and Mia were Highschool friends. Mia had always had a talent for baking and published her cafe 4 years ago.

Pokemon N (Natural Harmonia Gropius) X Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now