Chapter 9 : Café date?

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*Guess what?. . . not my artwork, though, N looks good with flowers*

(Y/N): Your Name, (H/C): Hair Color, (F/C): Favorite Color, (E/C): Eye color, (P/S): Preferred shading, (F/F): Favorite type of food.


12-7-21, (enjoy the fluff, lovelies!)

Page Stats: 6.3 Pages, 2,200 Words, 11,800+ Characters&spaces typed.

You were lightly shuffling in your sleep, you woke up partially when something limited you from turning. The soft breathing that turned into quiet snores filled the small room. You blushed, your brain was now suddenly awake.

You fluttered your eyes to the slight of N, who sleeping in front of you. You were tucked in his lose embrace and last night's memories flood your head. Your heart became fuzzy to all the flustering events of last night and your mind slightly swirled from the heat on your cheeks.

You noticed how N's mouth was slightly gapped, his peaceful unconscious features were adoring in so many compelling ways. His hair was partially brushed back but some still lingered on his face and between his head and pillow. You quietly awed and cringed when you shamed yourself for watching him, knowing it was weird but not minding at all.

You slowly traced your fingers on the outline of his cheek. His smooth, soft skin felt heavenly against your gentle brush of fingers. You slowly, quietly scooted closer to the sleeping, handsome man. You lightly whispered in his ear, teasing your temptations but not minding since he was asleep.

"You should see how adorable you look asleep." You smiled as you gently breathed on his neck.

His hands tighten around your body, firmly holding you again. You gasped and your heartbeat became faster, your breaths became shaky as the tighter embrace scared you.

You were afraid he had awakened N, even worse, if he heard you. You started to calm when he still seemed sound asleep. You gently smiled and kissed his nose, cuddling closer to N. A smile was reluctantly formed on N's lips.

"Your morning voice is sexy." N, half-awake, flirted.

Your heart thumped faster. You slightly pulled away, enough to see N's eyes sleepily open.

"Y-You're a-awake?!" You studdered out quickly, spooked by the sudden consciousness of N. Your face was burning red as they heated to the embarrassment.

"The entire time,-" He smiled more as he spoke. "-I slightly woke when you shifted in my arms."

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." You apologized.

"So, you think I'm adorable when sleepin'?" N teased you as he smirked.

"Uh-" You paused, trying to decide if you should deny the obvious or admit shy truth. "Fine! maybe I do think that, hmph!"

You slightly pouted as you admitted the truth N called out.

"You're adorable," N complemented and rubbed strands of your (H/C) hair between his fingers. "Honestly, I should have faked sleep some more, I was enjoying the affection and warm breaths you gave me." N taunted playfully and watched as your face just fluster to his cruel teases. He dropped your hair and pulled your warmer-than-usual body close to him. He loved to see you riled up to his playful acts of affection.

He kissed your nose and you smiled softly. How could you pout when you could be spending your precious, sleepy morning in bed with your favorite human.

Pokemon N (Natural Harmonia Gropius) X Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now