Chapter 3: A salty ride

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(Y/N): Your Name, (H/C): Hair Color, (F/C): Favorite Color, (E/C): Eye color,

11-20-21,(For those of you making it this far in my story, thank you, I know my writings may be slow but when N drags you into some drama it will get more enjoyable :3) 

Page stats: 5.3 pages, 1,792 words, and 7,600+ characters&spaces typed.

You woke to the sound of a crash. Quickly sitting up from your comfortable sleep and looking around. Milotic was wrapped around the leg of a table in the middle of your kitchen reaching for the shelves along, above the counters. She had dropped the empty pot used to make last night's dinner which was what woke you. You sighed in relief. You rested your back against the couch again and stared up at the dark, stone ceiling above you, giving yourself a minute to wake up. You then threw the covers up off of you and slipped off the couch.

You stretched your arms behind you and yawned. You walked to the curtains and opened them, you were going to wake up N, but he was gone. Your comforter was stretched along your bed and your pillows were lightly patted perfectly along the top of the bed. It looked like no one had slept in here. None of his stuff was here and the only evidence that last night was real was the still sleeping watchog.

You frowned in disappointment and walked to Milotic, who was now barely reaching for the poke-puff you left upon the third shelf. You picked up the pot and placed it in the sink and reached for the puffs, sliding them off the shelf. Milotic quickly pulled herself away and unwrapped herself as she heard you opening the box. You picked up a small baby-blue crested-moon cake and fed it to the water-type. She chirped in satisfaction. You walked towards the door and pushed it open, watching the sunlight crawl inside.

"I guess he left," You told Milotic. Milotic passed through the door and looked around, you were sure you heard a small whimper leave her mouth. You looked up as you stepped outside. The sun was slightly off-centered from the middle of the sky, meaning it was slightly past noon.

"Milotic, will you grab me a revival herb from the garden?" you asked the water-typed, who slithered towards your fenced-off berry patch. You stepped inside the house again to pull your flower-printed sheet off the bookshelf beside the doorway. You still used a lot of products sold in town and you even explored the region every once and a while. Your main source of income came from the wild highly sought-after mushrooms that grew around and even the rare berries, like the revival herb. Selling them in the shops.

The forest was quieter than usual. Milotic returned with revival herb in her mouth as she slithered through the gate. You walked a few steps towards her and locked the gate. Milotic then dropped the herb into your hand and you walked inside your home. You walked towards the box with the now half-awake pokemon and pinched part of revival herb to feed him. He hesitantly ate it from your hand and hummed onto your hand as the effects instantly took action. A smile started spreading across your face and you finish feeding him the entire herb.

The watchog limped out of your hands and softly walked across the ticklish, tall grass.

You smiled, "Be careful, watchog." He squeaked with joy and skipped, mostly on his two front hands, into the forest. The Revival herb had at least made his pain numb and his fever break. He was well enough to leave but you still kept his leg wrapped.

Milotic and you then walked east of the forest. The slight color of the forest was different, the transition from summer to fall was coming quickly.

Pokemon N (Natural Harmonia Gropius) X Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now