Chapter 5: Fiancé? (W!)

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(Y/N): Your Name, (H/C): Hair Color, (F/C): Favorite Color, (E/C): Eye color, (P/S): Preferred shading.


11-21-21 (Random advice: If you ever hear weird noises in the dark, make weirder noises to assert dominance :3, Oh BTW I'm adding a character that isn't in pokemon)

Page Stats: 6.3 pages, 2,223 words, 11,700+ Characters&spaces typed.

You woke up with an extra blanket on top of you. This time you woke up by yourself, no sounds disturbing you. The curtain that separated your bedroom was open, exposing no N or Milotic in your bed. You rubbed your eyes and slipped off the couch, wrapping the warmest blanket around you. As your feet touched the floor, it was so cold that it made your feet hurt from the change of sudden temperature. The changing of the season was coming fast. However, there was a lit fire in your stove, warming the inside of your home. A few lanterns were lit and provided a warm, calming atmosphere. In the kitchen, there was a small cup of hot (favorite tea flavor) tea.

You sipped lightly on your tea and opened the front door. You walked outside to a bunch of pokemon running and playing in your yard. Pokemon preferred to play during the summertime, where they could soak up the sun in the more open patch of land outside your cave. However, it was a rare sight when it come to the changing of the season. You saw Milotic napping in the sun near the woodline but no N. Some venipede were laying around the curled-up Water-type Pokemon. Yawning, you turn to go into your garden. There was a glass roof on top, allowing the sun in but preventing pokemon from coming through. You had a few baskets of already picked berries from the last time you picked them and dragged each basket out one by one. You couldn't coat the berries in your remedy powder, for your shrubs that only produce healing properties only produce in the summer and spring. However, since you always kept your berry bushes warm, they produced all year, meaning you could feed the pokemon during winter.

As soon as your 3 baskets were out, you grabbed your sheet and spread it near the woodline, trying to provide room for the playful pokemon. You spread some berries of all flavors out. A Minccino ate out of your hand and a few Patrats and even a Panpour came up and snacked. A Whimscott was curled up by your side, napping. A sudden rustle from behind you spooked you and even scared some pokemon away.

N was in a tree, resting on top of a limb, he was watching you from afar. He grinned sheepishly from startling you. He was enjoying watching you interact with the pokemon. You smiled back and you felt your adrenaline calm. a breeze lightly brushed his hair, melting your heart and causing you to blush from how cute he looked, trying to brush his hair back in place.

He climbed down, jumping from a branch when he was low enough. He walked to you and sat beside you.

"Morning (Y/N)" He spoke with so much more happiness compared to yesterday.

"Good morning N." You smiled at offered him a sweet Pecha berry. "Hungry?"

He looked from you to the berry. His hand gripped your wrist and he pulled your hand to his lips. His teeth gently pulled the Pecha berry apart and his hand still gripped on your wrist. Your face heated up and you swallowed hard. Your facial expression made the handsome man snicker. He adored your reaction.

Your face was still red and you were flustered. He found this so assuming. Too amusing. You decided he wouldn't get away with it. You moved the hand that he was holding and wrapped it under his chin as you rudded the berry juice from his lips. You watched as his face lightly lit up, you even notice a shiver run to his hand.

Pokemon N (Natural Harmonia Gropius) X Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now