Chapter 8: A night in Icirrus

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*Also, not my artwork*

(Y/N): Your Name, (H/C): Hair Color, (F/C): Favorite Color, (E/C): Eye color, (P/S): Preferred shading, (F/F): Favorite type of food.


11-28-21, (Thanks, N (follower), for helping me with the chapter anyways, enjoy the fluff, lovelies!)

Page Stats: 5.8 Pages, 2,054 Words, 11,000+ Characters&spaces typed.

Tension filled the room as the calm emotions from you and N fled. N gently pulled you behind him and held your hand. The woman before you clicked her tongue in pure aggravation. You looked at her from beside N, still not allowing yourself to hide behind him. You could stand your ground, but you also didn't leave from the protection of N.

"So, you are the one who released her," Raegan hissed at both you and N, "Natural, why'd you leave, this was everything you wanted!" Her confusion and emotions controlled her, adding negative energy to the room.

"Raegan, leave her alone, leave me alone. I want nothing to do with you or this pathetic excuse for 'protecting pokemon' or 'establishing peace'" N snarled back but tried to reason with her. His hand clenched yours as many emotions coursed through him, regardless, he controlled them well.

"All for her? What is so special about her, that you would expose yourself again!" She was becoming increasingly hostile.

"She doesn't abandon me, unlike you and Ghetsis... She's loyal, something you will never be." N was pouring emotion in his words, yet, he held a neutral tone, his voice held no emotion.

Having enough, she grabbed her Pokeball, and red light reflected everywhere. The red light rearranged into a snarling Absol. N sighed, he did not want to use any pokemon and allow them to be hurt. Instead, you released Milotic, nodding your head, Milotic shot an ice beam at the enemy's pokemon's feet but he avoided it in time.

Ice formed in pointy spikes towards the door, making Raegan stumble back. As Absol moved, you could hear a sharp whistle as his horn sliced the air. He planted his feet down a few feet from the ice.

Milotic shot ice at the wall beside him. The atmosphere around you changed drastically. The air went from stale to crisp and the lingering smell of dust mixed with the fog of ice.

Absol sprinted towards Milotic, he attempted to slash his horn at her before she slid out of his way. She used Ice beam again and froze his paws to the floor. You and N were watching, getting out of the way of crossfire, allowing Milotic to protect you both without violence.

As Absol struggled against ice, Milotic stood tall towards Raegan, intimidating her into surrendering. She returned her Absol into his Pokeball and ran off, no doubt finding Ghetsis to stop us.

N grabbed your hand yet again and released Zoroark.

"I need you to distract the herd of Team Plasma and don't get caught or hurt. You come straight to the cave, understand that?" N commanded. The Zoroark nodded and transformed into you. Your clone ran out of the room and soon you heard yelling of members and loud clicks on the floor.

Soon, N poked his head out to see a deserted entrance. He pulled you along and you snuck out from the back garden. He was now guiding you through the unknown woodland. However, these woods did not hold such clarity as to the forest you lived in did. These woods felt as they carried the burden of the past. It held heavy air, but the oxygen was fine, healthy to breathe.

Pokemon N (Natural Harmonia Gropius) X Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now