Jealousy- Robin

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This is actually a request from @Vaniyah873 

so thanks for the idea! 

 You smiled, petting the dog below you. He was a golden retriever, and your cousin whom everyone called 'Paperboys' dog. You two were deep in conversation, laughing uncontrollably. "Well" you said standing up, smiling at the freckled boy. 

"Seems you like Rover" Billy laughed, and you sheepishly smiled. "Rover, is adorable." before both of you started laughing again. "hey, paperboy, I'm hungry, let's go get food." you said, pulling out your wallet. 

"Where do we do that?" he asked, strumming his fingers through his shiny hair. "The diner, dumbass" you said, and you both chuckled. "alright, let me grab my money and drop Rover off" he said, getting back on his bike. 

"Meet me at the curb!" you shouted, pulling out your wallet. You had some money, and you only wanted maybe fries and a shake anyway. You started to ride your bike to the curb and sat down, humming under your breath. 

After around five to ten minutes Billy came back, panting and obviously out of breath. "I brought fifteen bucks!" he shouted proudly, showing you the money. You laughed, saying "Billy, that's enough for like three people!" 

"I know! I'm buying!" he smiled, and you shook your head. "Man, can I ever pay for anything!" you asked sarcastically, and Billy chuckled. "Guess not!" he said, as you both got on your bikes. "Race ya there!" he shouts, speeding. 

"Hey not fair!" you say, blasting behind him. The diner was maybe six blocks away, and you only had four to go. 

You finally passed Billy, your feet pedalling as fast as your bike would let you. Once you had actually won, you hopped off your bike happily. Billy was a close loser, and he laughed when you won. 

"never make bets with me, paperboy" you smirked at him, and he laughed again. "Guess not." 

Once you guys took a seat at one of the tables and ordered your fries and milkshake, you noticed somebody you knew walked in. Robin, your boyfriend. You kept talking to Billy, as Robin approached your table. 

"Hey love" you smiled, as he smashed his lips to yours. You, confused, Robin, a bit angry. "Your mine" he said, before glaring at Billy and sitting down behind the two. Billy had the look of 'what the hell just happened' on his face, his jaw dropped and all. 

"I should go.. I have dishes to do" he said, waving over to the waitress. 

Finally, Billy paid, and left on his bike. Apparently he had chores to do, but you knew what he was up to. He did not want to be beat up by a jealous Robin. Honestly, you couldn't really blame him.

You walked up to Robin's table, and sat down. He glared at you, and continued to watch the baseball game currently playing on the diners TV. "hey! what the hell Robin!" you shouted, glaring back at him. 

"You're saying what the hell? You're over there being all lovey dovey with paperboy!" 

"he's your best friend!"

"Finneys my best friend." 

"He's one of your best friends!"

"SO?" he shouted, and that's when it hit you. "Oh my god" you say in realization. 

"What now!" he snapped, and you smirked. 

"You're jealous of paperboy! You're actually jealous of Billy!" you smiled, and he looked shocked. 

"What! No I'm not! I mean... a little...but!" 

You cut him off by kissing him, still laughing. "What's so funny!" he asked, rolling his eyes. 

"Nothing!" you smiled, eyes wide. 

He smirked, and you said "so, am I just not allowed to hangout with any other boys?" 

"nah, you can hang out with Finney, I'm 99% sure he's fruity" Robin said, smirking. 

"Robin!" you nudged him, and he laughed. "It's true! It's not like it is something to be ashamed of!" 

Truth is, he was right, Finney Shaw was definitely fruity. But you could not let him know you thought he was right. 

"Why are you so upset with me hanging out with Billy?" you asked, confused. 

"Cause he's gonna flirt, and you're gonna let him! Then you two will flirt and he'll steal you!" he said, angrily. 

"Woah woah woah. Billy steal me? Robin please. First of all, I would not flirt with him, ever. Second of all, he has a girlfriend who I know very well. And third of all, he's my cousin!" you said, laughing. 

Robins jaw was dropped practically to the floor, eyes wide, shock written all over his face. "YOU GUYS ARE COUSINS?" he screamed in shock, and you quickly kissed him to shut him up. 

"yes! But jeez babe not so loud!" 


"Why didn't you tell me!" Robin asked, shock still his number one expression. "because it didn't seem important!" you laughed, and he shrugged. 

"Lets go back to my house" he said, getting up from his table.

"What? Why?" you asked, confused. 

"Cause, we're gonna makeout and hangout" he said, smirking. 

You laughed, before saying "Robin, that might have been the worst rhyme I've ever heard"

"You know you loved it"

"Sure buddy, real smooth"

You guys both got on your bikes, your eyes lit up like sparks. 

You had not long until Robin's house, he lived closer to the diner than Billy ever did. You guys pedalled along happily, keeping up a teasing conversation. 

You sighed, before saying "Robinnnn I'm tireddd" 

"We're close babe, I'm tired to" 

"We should take a nap!"

"Yes, we really should." 

You smiled, eyes closing softly. Only a couple more blocks, and you two would arrive. 

When you guys did arrive at his place, you said hello to his mum, before rushing upstairs. 

You both collapsed on his bed, arms secure around each other. 

That was when you heard the words you had always wanted to hear. 

"I love you, y/n" he said, kissing your lips. 

"I love you too, Robin" you smiled, before making yourself comfortable on his chest. 

As you were about to fall asleep, you looked at your half asleep boyfriend, and said "still can't believe your jealous of my cousin" 

"yeah, me neither" 


Okay, so I've decided to make another request page here. 

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