how you get back with them (again):

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requested: idk I haven't checked

*you found him crying under the bleachers because he got beat up
*"Finn what happened?"
*you knelt down next to him and held him as he cried
*you guys hugged it out and got back together
*that earned an eye roll from Robin

*you guys finally ended up talking on the phone
*you both admitted you were just angry and took it out on each other
*"Robin I'm sorry"
*"I'm sorry too..."
*Finn was not amused

*you guys continued talking via phone
*he came to your house with flowers and begged for a second chance
*you accepted and y'all tried again
*"Y/n I'm so sorry...can I have another chance?"
*"of course Bruce, just don't run off to Utah and get drunk again"
*"Will do!"

*for once, you better apologize to poor Vance
*he started a fight
*not to be "pIcK mE cHoOsE mE" but you were the only one who actually knew how to calm him down
*no I'm not talking about "vAnCy wAnCy tHiS iSnT yOu🥺🥺🥺"
*I'm talking about actual life 
*y'all talked afterwards and agreed to try again 
*"Vance please..I'm sorry" 
*"ight fine" 

*his whole two friends and his sister were pissed off 
*"I loved them so much..." 
*"Well listen man, I don't like most people" 
*"Oh we know" 
*"Shut up g/bsf/n (girl best friend) anyway, I actually do enjoy you, and maybe her, I don't know yet" 
*"You f*cking love me" 
*"Again, shut up g/bsf/n, again, I don't think y'all should make up. THIS IS THE FIFTEENTH TIME!" 
*"g/bsf/n I will duct tape your mouth shut" 
*finally, Billy went back to school, avoiding everybody 
*you who still cared about him, asked his friends why 
*"Oh look, the f*cking wh*re of a person is going to claim their toxicity"
*"Who the f*ck do you think you're talking to?" 
*"well f*cking dumba*s, you and g/bsf/n are the only people around right now, and I actually tolerate her, so this is directed at you and only you" 
*"You're such a f*cking a*shole" 
*"hey it's not our fault you slept with every dude in the school" 
*anyway you and his bsf got in a fight, g/bsf/n just watching contently 
*After the fight Billy brought you an iced pack 
*"hey sorry about bsf/n, he's an a*shole" 
*"Yeah I know, listen Billy, I do love you, should we maybe try again?" 
*"Yes! YES! YES! Just don't tell him..." 
*you guys cuddled and never told his friends until you were going strong for three years after 

*you went to his door to apologize 
*he sat there listening to you for hours 
*you didn't even think he was listening 
*that was until he gave you a gigantic hug and buried his face in your neck 
*"Griffin are you even listening!" 
*"I forgive you...I love you.." 
*"aww I love you too sweetie" 

*she missed her flower SO much 
*you felt terrible about it
*you guys got partnered for a project together
*you could see the tension between you two and how uncomfortable she looked 
*you finally asked her one night to try again
*she was over the moon ecstatic 
*"listen Donna, I was wondering if we could try again, I was wrong. I do want to be your flower" 
*"Yay! Of course flower! Cuddles!" 
*you two watched lilo and stitch after that 

Sorry the Billy one was so long, I actually had a plan for that one