cleaning day- Billy

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 You smiled, and happily grabbed your purse. You were supposed to visit your boyfriend after he delivered papers, at the office where he retreated to everyday. 

The office was only across the street from your home, and was easily accessible. It was your guys favorite meeting area, and was a number one option considering he was almost always there. His father owned the business, and him and his dad were especially close. 

You finally crossed the street on your bike, especially aware of the cars surrounding the area. It was a busy neighborhood, and cars zoomed past like they were on the highway, unaware of the children around them.

Since Billy, your boyfriends, dad wasn't at the office today, you were met by the main editor of the paper, Bob. "Hey Bob" you said, putting your bag down. "Oh, hey y/n. What are you doing here?" he asked you, eyes still focused on his typewriter. 

"I'm here for Billy!" you smiled, as Bob looked at you. "Billy didn't show up today." he said, and your heart dropped. "Is he okay?" you asked, worried. "I'm sure he's fine" Bob said, still clicking the typewriter keys. 

You grabbed your bag, smiled, and said "well thanks Bob. I'm going to go though." 

"okay! bye y/n!" 

"bye Bob!" 

You immediately hopped back on your bike, pedalling fast to his house. It was only three blocks away from the newspapers office, so it was easy to get to. You decided to use the window, worried his parents may not let you in. 

You slowly climbed the tree by his window, careful not to misstep and fall. When you got up, you slowly walked along a huge branch, holding onto other branches, before knocking on his window. His blinds were closed, and you could see nothing inside his room. 

After about a minute of knocking, the window opened, and there was your paperboy, smiling at you. "Hello, princess." he smiled, and you rushed inside. "gosh are you okay!"

"what are you talking about?" 

"Bob said you didn't show up to work! You always show up to work!" 

"Ohh yeah that"

"Well? Are you alright?" you asked, a worried tone in your voice as you hugged him. "Oh I'm fine. I just had to clean my room today is all"

Of course. Billy had never been the cleanest in the world, hell his room is dirtier than a sewage system sometimes. It didn't surprise you he was forced into a day off by his clean freak mother. You sighed, rolled your eyes, and scolded him. 


"yes ma'am?" 

"Why the hell is your room so dirty!" 

"I don't know.." 

You always used his full name, William, when you were annoyed with him. He took it as a sign to listen to you, hell even his dog Rover did. "I'm helping you clean up" you sigh, and he looks at you confused. 

"Why?" he asked, still oblivious. 

"Because! If I leave you to do this by yourself you will never get it done! And Rover won't help"

"yes he will!"

"Love, he's a dog." 


"Honey, dogs don't have hands to actually help" 


You sighed, as you started cleaning the dirty clothes off his floor. He was trying to work on his football jersey collection, or trying to find it. He was really into football, and had almost every team's jersey somewhere on his floor. 

The same floor you couldn't actually see at the moment. 

"Alright! Where's your dirty clothes bin!

"Uhm...I don't have one.." 


"I'll go get one! And I'll tell my mom you came to help!"

"you do that."

You sighed, as you started to pick up all the soda cans and plates of old food. "BILLY THIS IS DISGUSTING!" you shouted, and he yelled back. "SORRY!" before running upstairs holding a garbage can, a laundry basket, and cleaning supplies. 

"Alright, I need the bins." you said, as he handed them to you. Then he started throwing away the food and cans, and you threw the clothes in the basket. You heard him gag behind you, and turned around. 

"Sweetie? What's wrong?"

"this thing smells horrible! God it makes me want to throw up!"

"well then, don't leave old moldy food in your room, and this wouldn't happen." 

He groaned, yet threw away the food, still gagging. You smiled, mostly because now you could genuinely see the floor now. It was small, but a huge step. Then, you started to clean his other stuff, putting things where they belong. 

As you were organizing clean clothes on his bed, he sat next to you, laying his head on your shoulder. "yes?" you asked, and he muttered "I'm tired" 

"honey we're almost done. Just hold on a bit." 


You put his organized clothes away as he trudged around helping with random room tasks. They had been working for around six hours now, and your parents at least knew you were spending the night at his place. 

Now it was around two hours later, and you guys were practically done. Although you were both extremely tired, you handled it better than him, you were on the last task, sweeping. You both had brooms, and were sweeping under every piece of furniture, and the normal floor. 

You guys laughed and played the game 'broom wars', a game you had made up in the moment to wake you both up a little bit. "finally done!" you shouted, putting the broom in the hall and collapsing on his bed. 

He laid down next to you, arms wrapped around you, face buried in your shoulder. You smiled, pulled the blanket over both of you both, falling asleep contently. In a clean room, something you hadn't seen in awhile. 

You smiled, before drifting off to sleep, the smell of like 100 whiffs of perfume scented the room. Which, he also wasn't so happy about. 

And with that you fell asleep. 


Ok so I'm probably gonna post a lot tonight, cus it's summer and I have nothing better to do with my life. So, expect many updates. 

Also, if your request isn't up right away, please just realize these take like an hour to write, sometimes longer. So please be patient.