Chapter 1

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Maybe it's time to shut away
'Cause I've never really felt okay
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For as long as I can remember Haru had always had this little... obsession with Mikey.

It wasn't always this way, from what I can remember, we used to be innocent little kids, always playing at each others houses with our friends.

until we didn't.

We went from being the best of friends, inseparable Haruchiyo and (Y/n) together forever the strongest team.

Always there to protect each other through thick and thin.

The day he stopped speaking to me is a day I'll never forget.

Sure it was a long time ago, but, we were so close it hurt. Especially as he pushed away my offers to help. I couldn't even do anything! Because he never told me who did it. I just had to move on with my life.

After that my day to day life felt repetitive and lonely; Walk to school, hang out with my "friends" do my homework etc.

living my same miserable life as a high school student, wondering how my life would've played out if I was there for him like I promised I would be.

Why did you abandon me Haruchiyo?

Is this the life we're destined to live? Him living his normal life and I living mine? Our friendship never going back to the way it was before.

"You seem a little out of it today, are you looking for that annoying asshole? I don't know why you even bother, you haven't even spoke in years..."

"Senju! I didn't see you there, almost gave me a fucking heart attack! Is Haru with you?"

"Nah he left a while ago, I doubt he'll be coming to school today anyway. I see your lost in the world of (y/n) again?"

For a 14 year old she sure has matured a lot, I remember her being such a sweet, quiet kid, now she's just an annoying nosy teenager.

"Hm... you could say that I suppose, shouldn't you be getting ready to go to middle school? You know you're gonna be late..."

"Heh y/n you never change, always mothering me and making sure I'm being a good little girl" I gave her a stern look for her obvious sarcasm. Is it really so wrong to care about a friend.

I know Senju will do the right thing eventually. She's always honest and sweet, she deserves the whole world, if only her stupid brother was the same, instead he abandoned me and won't even look me in the eye.

"You know Senju? I think you'll do amazing things one day. I'll see you around, yeah?" She gave a cheeky nod of agreement, and I smiled at the light in her eyes.

Always so full of energy.

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As always Senju was right, the desk next to me? Empty again.

Haru would also have potential to do great things, if he actually showed up to school once in a while.

I glanced over at my peers, as they chatted amongst themselves, listening to their laughter and gossip

"Did you hear about akashi-san? I heard he's joined this big gang"

"Isn't he friends with that Mikey guy?"

"I heard they don't even like each other and they just put up with each other because they have the same friends"

"What that's stupid everyone knows tha-" and then coincidentally he entered the room making it silent

All that was heard were murmurs as he walked to his desk

Talk about awkward timing

He was still as pretty as ever, of course he was he's always been perfect in my eyes if only if it didn't hurt when he was here.

After that little "moment" our class quieted down then it was back to the usual boring school day however now I felt as though this day was definitely going to drag out

To be at home in my bed sleeping time away, I suppose my life could be worse maybe I just need a bit of excitement in my life.

"Can I borrow a pen?..." it was low and mumbled but it was him then suddenly time stopped

Haruchiyo is speaking to me? the same sweet sounding voice... except deeper and empty sounding.


"Um could I borrow a pen?"

"Oh hehe yeah sure... here"

He had spoke to me for the first time in years, I felt so god damn flustered for absolutely no reason

Why did I act like that! I feel like dying right here and now.

"You sound different..." Was all I could build up the courage to say to him, he just chuckled to himself a little and looked my way

If I wasn't a flustered mess before I definitely was now .

"I don't think I sound different what makes you say that" I coughed a little taken aback

"I mean we haven't actually spoke to each other in a while maybe I just forgot how your voice sounded or something"

"Maybe it's just a normal thing that happens to every guy" I looked at him with a confused look

What's he on about ?...

"I'm talking about puberty y/n"


well it explains the voice drop obviously but he still sounds a little, cold?

"Heh oh yeah of course um what brings you to school today Haru-"

"Here's your pen back" and just like that back to dead silence

Some conversation that turned out to be, when did he become so quiet... I guess he's changed a lot since we were kids

Do we even have anything in common anymore, he's maturing everyday and here I am lingering onto the past like I have some inner issues

I wonder if thats a sign that we really have gone our separate ways and that I need to grow up

Or maybe it's the start of a new beginning.

Let's go with sign number 2...

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Word count: 972

A/n: so that is the first chapter sorry I haven't wrote fanfiction in a while and I've read a lot of tr stuff and all sorts but when it comes to haruchiyo it's just drugs and bonten and I want a bit of a fluffy angsty smutty everything fic for him and we're starting at the beginning and we will get to all the bonten shenanigans eventually but for now we start at high school sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes just let me know and I'll fix it I've tried to double check actually triple check but hey it is what it is

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PeaceBlue person

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