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Tiggar:"i just want someone to take me out"

Exca:"like, on a date or with a sniper gun?"


Tiggar:"surprise me"
Exca and blood:*arguing*

Tiggar:"guys please there's no need for all this drama"

*Loud thumping noise*

Zeus:*bursting through the door*"DID SOMEONE SAID DRAMA?!"
Bluewill:"uh tiggar"


Bluewill:"whatcha got there?"

Tiggar, sitting next to Zeus in his 30 foot tall(around 9 meter) hydra form:"oh this is a smoothie"
Zeus:"two truth one lie i'll start! I've killed a man, i will kill again, and i hate tiggar"



Exca:"i don't... Like this game"
Kidnapper:"i have your friend"

Tiggar:"which one?"


Tiggar:"which friend?"

Kidnapper:"uhh, short purple hair, have cat ear and a tail"

Tiggar:"oh that Zeus, yea you don't have him he has you"

Tiggar:"good luck:)"

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