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Zeus:"i Mean, smaller creature are just more vicious, this is because they have less space to bottle up their anger"

Rarrken:"ridiculous show me some example"


Tiggar:"fire ant"


Exca:"blood :)"

Blood:"how can a blood Cell be vicious?"

Exca:"that's not the blood that i mean"


Blood:"wait...*realised*you... SON OF A-"
Kai:"you know what your problem is? You're really cute so no one ever told you to shut your pie hole"

Bella(oc):"you think i'm cute?"

Kai:*blushing*"shut your pie hole!"
Bella(oc):"because your pretty and your smart and your ignoring me so your obviously my type"

Kai:"i'm sorry what were you saying?"

Bella(oc):"dating tip hold the door open for your date, rip the door off it's hinges use that door to fight other who might be interested in your date establish dominance"

Schmidt:"how the f*** do you have a boyfriend?"

Braking:"let alone Kai?!"
Bella(oc):"try practicing self-care like a cactus"

Bella(oc):"simply bask in the sunshine, and stab anyone who tried to touch you"

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