Chapter 2: Holding on to hope. End of the Android Apocalypse

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*Many outcomes were crossing (Y/N)'s mind as he thought about what to do in this situation he put himself in by accidentally releasing Android 21. He sighs as he approaches 21 and instead of attacking her he offers her his hand to help her get up. Her frightened expression changes to one of confusion*

Android 21: Y-You're not gonna attack me?

(Y/N): Not unless you force me to.

*21 looks at (Y/N) then back at his hand as she accepts his help to help her up*

(Y/N): Why didn't you attack me? Weren't you made for that purpose? Like all the others?

Android 21: To tell you the truth I'm not a very experienced fighter... And you're right I was made with that purpose but my emotions kept me from fulfilling the goal my creator wanted.

(Y/N): (Could that be what he meant with her being unstable?)

Android 21: Which is why I was left deactivated in the chamber until you freed me. But seeing how you were on your guard by just seeing me I guess you've fought other androids...

(Y/N): Yeah, 17 and 18. They... They've been terrorizing everyone for years, killing innocent people for their own amusement. They killed all of Earth's defenders, even my brother Gohan who was the last to go...

Android 21: God, I'm...I'm so sorry to hear that... (Y/N) I now understand better your reason for wanting to fight me. I understand if you want me to go back to the chamber I was in or if you want to destroy me...

*(Y/N) looked at 21 feeling a bit of pity for her. Being considered a failure and being deactivated for so long only to be free and meet a random guy that wanted her gone for being an android. He tried to come up with a better idea*

(Y/N): You said you're not an experienced fighter but you must be good at something else. Care to tell me what it is?

Android 21: Huh? Well... I'm a researcher, my human template had a high IQ so naturally, I do too. But I don't see how that will help you fight 17 and 18?

(Y/N): That's actually really helpful! My friend Bulma is a brilliant scientist and she's actually working on a time machine, her son Trunks and I gather the materials for her.

Android 21: W-Wait... A time machine?! Is that really possible?

(Y/N): Apparently, it is. I'm sure Bulma would really appreciate your help with it. She may even finish it sooner with your help, what do you say?

*21 takes a moment to think about this proposal. She looks at (Y/N) and sees that he's smiling at her, a smile only a Son can pull off. She returns the smile and nods*

Android 21: Alright, I'll do my best to help. Thanks... For this opportunity, (Y/N).

(Y/N): No problem. I take it you know how to fly?

Android 21: Yeah, I do.

(Y/N): Alright, follow me. (I hope this doesn't backfire on me later down the line...)


*(Y/N) leads 21 to West City, along the way (Y/N) tells her everything that 17 and 18 had done to this day. She was horrified to see the state the outside world was in due to 17 and 18's rampage. Both land behind the destroyed building that used to be Capsule Corp and he leads her to the basement Bulma uses as a base of operations*

Bulma: (Y/N), you came at the perfect ti-- *Notices 21* Uhm, who is she?

Trunks: New friend of yours, (Y/N)?

Android 21 x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now