Bonus Chapter: The Future We Deserve

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*The sun bathed the serene landscape of Mount Paozu in a warm glow as the Z Fighters gathered for an extraordinary event – the wedding of (Y/N) and Android 21. The venue, a lush clearing near Goku's house, was adorned with vibrant flowers, and an altar stood at the center, ready to unite the young half-Saiyan and the enigmatic android in matrimony*

*The Supreme Kai of Time allowed people of past and future to reunite for this special event only. Dende, the Guardian of Earth, had taken on the role of the priest for this unique union. Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, and the rest of the Z Fighters were present, each donning their best attire for the joyous occasion (Though both Saiyans and the Namekian were completely uncomfortable and were forced by Chi-Chi and Bulma). Gohan, Bulma, Chi-Chi, and even the version of Videl that had helped them in the battle against Cell Max had come to witness the union of the two worlds*

Dende: Ahem... Earthlings, Saiyans, Namekians, Androids, and Majins... We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of (Y/N) and Android 21. Love knows no boundaries, and today, we witness the coming together of a half-Saiyan and an Android. Let us rejoice in this union and wish them a lifetime of happiness.

*(Y/N) and Android 21 stood side by side, beaming with happiness. Chi-Chi couldn't help but shout from the crowd*

Chi-Chi: (Y/N)! 21! *Sniffs* I'm so proud of you both!

*(Y/N) and 21 shared a look as their cheeks turned slightly pink. Vegeta grumbled from his seat*

DBS Vegeta: Hmph, just make sure she doesn't absorb you, brat.

*As Dende proceeded with the vows, a young (Y/N) and Mai from the past timeline, the ring bearers, approached the altar with the precious rings in hand. This young version of (Y/N) always the show-off, compared to his future self whispered to Mai*

DBS (Y/N): Watch this, I'm going to impress everyone with my perfect delivery!

DBS Mai: *Rolls eyes* Sure you will.

*However, fate had other plans. Young (Y/N) couldn't resist the allure of the beautiful flowers surrounding the altar. He sneezed unexpectedly, sending the rings flying into the air. In a comical sequence, the rings twirled through the air and fell into the ground. The two bands of love rolled away and young (Y/N) and Mai could only watch in horror*

Dende: May I have the rings?

*Dende and the soon-to-be-married couple look at the two children and their eyes widen when they see the rings are missing, 21 letting out a loud gasp. Young (Y/N) and Mai look at everyone with wide scared eyes*

Piccolo: You two had ONE job!


*Everything goes into chaos and the place explodes...






Until young (Y/N) and Mai snap back to reality. Future (Y/N) turns to look at them and the two kids immediately act natural and flash a smile at him. Young (Y/N) giving a thumbs up to his future self. Future (Y/N) smiles back and nods before returning his attention to Dende. Thankfully everyone was so focused on the wedding that they didn't see the accident. The two children begin to slowly back away before quickly rushing after the rings*

DBS Mai: Come on, (Y/N)! We're gonna be in so much trouble if we don't get those rings!

DBS (Y/N): I know! I can't afford to ruin my future self's wedding!

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