Chapter 6: All who follow you

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Android 21: I'm in. Any news, Mai?

Mai: No, he's been kept there for days and that worries me...

Android 21: I'll find him.

Mai: I hope you're right.

*21 looked carefully at the secret facility where she knew (Y/N) was being held captive*

*21 looked carefully at the secret facility where she knew (Y/N) was being held captive*

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Android 21: This is bad. That Towa woman brought back the Red Ribbon Army along with the other villains. But why?

Mai: Find (Y/N) and get the hell out of there. Ok? We can't afford to lose you too.

Android 21: Don't worry, Mai. I got it covered.

*She says as she puts on the Red Ribbon Army's security guards helmet*

Mai: Where did you get that?

Android 21: A slim guard I saw while I was on my way in. He's taking a nap. Now I just need to find a way inside the building...

Mai: Hmm... What about the front entrance?

Android 21: Why didn't I think of that?

Mai: Too obvious, right...

*21 looks up and sees a Red Ribbon Army aircraft enter the building at a top entrance*

Android 21: There's my way in.

*21 enters through the same top entrance that had a snail staircase she goes up and encounters a Red Ribbon Army guard*

Red Ribbon Guard: Hey! What are you doing here? Mr. Magenta is gonna start the meeting with Dr. Hedo!

Android 21: U-Uh right! Where is the meeting happening?

Red Ribbon Guard: Is it your first day or something?  

Android 21: Y-Yes it is, sir!

Red Ribbon Guard: I see. What's your name, recruit?

Android 21: Ehhh... S-Sonya Blade, sir!

Red Ribbon Guard: The meeting is happening in the room that's on the hallway to the left there'll be a big ass red door. Don't be late, Blade.

Android 21: Yes, sir! I mean no, sir! I mean... I won't be late sir!

*The guard shakes his head as he walks past 21 heading into the meeting room*

Android 21: (Phew that was close... I don't need unnecessary attention for now. No way I'm sitting through a meeting though, I'll sneak into the room and hear if they know something about where (Y/N) is being kept)

*21 opens a vent grate and goes in. She makes her way to the room the meeting is taking place and watches through the vents grate*

Android 21: (For an evil organization they have surprisingly clean vents...)

Android 21 x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now