Chapter 4: Primal Saiyan vs The Ultimate Android

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(Y/N): We managed to defeat Babidi and Dabura and prevent the resurrection of Majin Buu. But at what cost? Kibito and the Supreme Kai are dead... Trunks and 21 are injured and once again it's up to me to face what's threatening our world. Only this time I'm facing one of the most deadliest and dangerous foe I've ever faced...

(Y/N): *Ascending into the air* Your power has increased significantly. I bet it is because of all those victims you killed.

Evil 21: *Ascending into the air as well* Victims? That is such a poor-sighted perspective, (Y/N). I prefer to think of them as donors. Not only did they satisfy my appetite a bit but they also granted me power.

*(Y/N) gets into his fighting stance as he transforms into a Super Saiyan*

Evil 21: I'm curious though... Why risk your life against me? You know how strong I am and yet you still made it all the way here to face me on your own. Why not save your skin and let me have my way?

(Y/N): This world needs a hero, someone to protect it from people like you.

Evil 21: So that makes me, what, a villain? Sounds fun~ *Licks the leftover icing of a cupcake on her finger* Mmm~ Gotta admit though... your power is not that bad. One day you might actually stop me.

(Y/N): Today.

Evil 21: Don't you know not to corner a wild animal? It's dangerous!~

(Y/N): Then let's put you in a cage!

Evil 21: *Taunts (Y/N) with her finger* Bring it, Son (Y/N)!~

*(Y/N) dive kicks at full speed towards E21 she catches his leg without any effort. (Y/N) grits his teeth due to E21 giving him a smile to tease him he tried to use his other leg to kick her but she caught it as well*

Evil 21: You're in a very suggestive position right now, fu fu fu~

(Y/N): Tch!

*(Y/N) fired a point-blank ki blast at E21 to set himself free from her hold. He managed to free himself momentarily because she quickly wrapped her tail around his neck. She winked at him before punching his cheek with enough force to send him flying away. He stops himself in mid-air and holds his cheek in pain but an incoming beam hits him from the back creating a small explosion. E21 makes her way to where the beam impacted on (Y/N) and after the smoke cleared he was nowhere to be seen*

Evil 21: What's wrong? Why do you disappear your ki and hide? 

*E21 spots (Y/N) taking cover behind a car she smiles and teleports on top of the car. She sits on one knee while resting her hand on her chin as she looks down at (Y/N) with a smile*

Evil 21: This is disappointing. You know, for someone that's called "The Warrior of Hope" I'd expected you to impress me much more.

(Y/N): Shut up!

*(Y/N) tried to uppercut E21 but she dodged it and countered by kicking (Y/N) in the face which pushed him to a building's wall*

(Y/N): *Wipes blood off of his nose* (Geez what are her heels made of?!)

*Just as (Y/N) got back up E21 appeared in front of him, grabbed his neck, and pushed him into the wall. She stared into his eyes for a moment before letting go of his neck and slowly sliding her hand down to his chest as she pressed her body against his pinning him completely*

Evil 21: Mmmm, (Y/N)~ My sweet delicious (Y/N)~

*E21 stands on tiptoe to perfectly reach (Y/N)'s neck and run her tongue through it. The half-Saiyan closes his eyes and cringes as he feels E21's tongue running through his neck, after a few seconds she pulls back and looks at (Y/N)*

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