Chapter 5: No good deed goes unpunished

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*Months have passed since (Y/N) vanquished the Evil Android 21, it took a bit of time to reconstruct West City and for people to calm down but eventually everyone returned to their normal peaceful lives. Alarms were installed in every city and town to let everyone know when a major threat is attacking*

(Y/N): (If you told me years ago that I would end up dating one of Dr. Gero's androids I would've called you crazy... Yet here I am now, in a restaurant having a date with my girlfriend, Android 21)

*(Y/N) thinks as he looks at the bowl of french fries he and 21 are sharing, each time she took a bite of one her cheeks blushed as she smiled with her eyes closed enjoying the taste. Waiters, waitresses, and some other customers looked at the couple with shock since they'd been eating a lot*

(Y/N): (Perhaps Krillin and I aren't much different after all...)

Android 21: Mmmm! Wow, I was feeling full but after trying these fries I just can't stop!

(Y/N): Heh, well they are the best fries in town.

*(Y/N) says as he signals a waiter for the bill*

Android 21: I've been really enjoying getting to try all kinds of food and get to see the world with you. I really don't know how to thank you.

*21 says as she looks at (Y/N) with a smile resting her arms on the table*

(Y/N): *Smiles back* You don't have to, I've been enjoying all my time with you just as much

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(Y/N): *Smiles back* You don't have to, I've been enjoying all my time with you just as much.

*Both started to lean close to each other but they stopped when they heard two voices belonging to kids*

Little boy: Wow! Are you (Y/N)?!

Little girl: The Warrior of Hope?!

(Y/N): Eh? Yeah that's me, who--

Little boy: Oh wow!! You are so awesome!! Beating those scary androids!

Little girl: Can we take a picture with you?!

(Y/N): Uhhh...

*(Y/N) turns to 21 feeling a bit awkward, she looks back at him and nods at him with a smile*

(Y/N): Ehm, sure thing kids.

Little boy: YEAH!

Little girl: Thank you!!

*(Y/N) gets up from his chair and sits on his knees to be on the kids' height as the little boy pulls out a phone and takes a selfie of the three*

Little girl: Yes! This'll look great on our wall! Thank you so much!

Little boy: You're amazing, (Y/N)!

*The little kids run off happily as (Y/N) sits back on his chair and a waiter leaves the bill on the table*

Android 21 x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now