Chapter 7: A sick game of hide and seek

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Android 21: Phew, this should be good enough for the upgrades on the gravity chamber. Can't wait to tell (Y/N) and Trunks!

Bulma: 21!

*21 turns around to see Bulma running towards her with a very worried expression*

Bulma: I have concerning news! I haven't heard from Trunks since last night and now I've also lost contact with (Y/N)!

Android 21: What?!

Bulma: It could be a coincidence... But it's unlike them not to respond.

Android 21: It is... (Y/N)'s gi and Trunks' battle suit have a tracker in case situations like these happen. Let's see if I can pinpoint their locations...

*21 uses her computer to try to pinpoint (Y/N)'s location*

Android 21: Damn it... (Y/N)'s location tracker is not detected. Maybe Trunks' could still be online... Got it! Trunks is in Orange City, but why isn't he responding? I need to head to his location, he could be in danger...

Bulma: Please, find them 21. And be careful...

Android 21: I'll do my best, Bulma.


*Following the location the tracker pinpointed, 21 made her way to Trunks' location, and what she saw shocked her*

Android 21: B-Beaten to death... How did I not notice this? I can detect ki just fine, I could've stopped this... *Sighs* I need to find out who did this, whoever did might be after (Y/N) too. 

*21's eyes start to glow as she kneels in front of Trunks*

Android 21: Analysing Trunks with my scanner will help me see the cause of his death, and possibly help me identify his killer. Hmm... Multiple trauma, broken left arm, several broken ribs, and a cervical fracture... That's how you died, your killer broke your neck... Kami, you must've been in agony when you died...

???: I would've killed him myself, but sometimes you need a little help from your friends. Hehhehehe...

*21 gasps and quickly turns around to find out who spoke but there was no one there, only the dark alleyway, she pants nervously as she turns back to where Trunks was but her eyes widen when the area changed to a lab, she turned back again and now all the surroundings changed to the lab*

Android 21: W-What the...?!

*She realized she was in the same lab she was trapped in before (Y/N) found her, this terrified her a lot*

???: Here we are! Together again. Haven't you realized? We're inseparable. I've got something for youuuu~

*21 looks at herself in a mirror shaking in fear from not knowing what was going on. A snapping sound makes her jump, she looks behind her watching the monitors Dr. Gero had to spy on (Y/N)'s home. But this time they were showing something different, something that made her heart sink. It was the exact moment where Trunks' killer snapped his neck. The killer was 21 herself but her eyes were different. They were crimson red and she had a sinister smile as she killed the half-Saiyan. The voice then reiterates what it said earlier*

???: I would've killed him myself. But sometimes you need a little help from your friends~

*21's eyes widen as the words now make sense, she looks down at her hands in horror as she sees them covered in blood. The glass of the mirror behind her makes a noise, she turns around to it but her reflection was no longer entirely of herself. It was her in her Majin form but her eyes were red and she had this playful sinister smile she had on the monitors as she killed Trunks*

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