Three months ago, at the start of the school semester

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Xie Lian waved to the baker man, a soft smile on his lips.

"There are fresh baguettes," he heard the man say from inside the shop, "the ones you like!"

The teacher just gestured "later" since he usually picked them up at the end of the day.

This was one of the things Xie Lian enjoyed about the small town life, it was easy to become a customer anywhere. Something similar had happened with the flower shop at the corner. When Xie Lian started the new job, he realized he could afford some small, fancy treats once in a while. Fresh flowers on the dinner table became one of those, and this was how he became a known face in the shop pretty fast.

On his way to the school, there was then a row of houses with loud, barking dogs. They never seemed to be tired of sounding the alarm, neither they succumbed to the teacher's attempts to please them, even though he tried everyday for the last six months. "Why look so angry when you are so cute? Hm?" was what Xie Lian asked one of the dogs as soon as he abandoned his intent of trying to pet it. He walked away laughing after the dogs just continued to bark at him.

All in all, Xie Lian couldn't say he was not adapted to this somewhat provincial life. At the same time, it hasn't been exactly how he expected it would be. He remembered a talk with his mom before moved.

"Are you planning to get married?" she asked once he announced he was leaving the metropolis.

"No, mom, I just want to be closer to her, that's all."

She seemed unconvinced it was a good idea. "You are so young, son, you will get bored."

"What does it help, being in an ocean of people but feeling alone, mom?"

Those words still felt real. As he turned the street that led to the school, a bright red dot caught his eye on the other side of the road. The red came from a beret, and it contrasted with the white skin and black hair underneath it. Sharp nose, sculpted cheek bones, and a very manly jawline. Xie Lian didn't remember seeing that face around here. The man with the beret was tall and slender, hair falling over his shoulders. He was walking with a gray dog on a leash. It barked loud but excitedly when it looked at Xie Lian.

The man seemed intrigued by his pet's behavior. He looked Xie Lian up and down before shushing the dog in a grave voice, saying "E'ming".

The handsome look of that young man was very pleasing to the eyes, Xie Lian analyzed coldly, and someone with a weakened heart could have been easily shaken by it.

They crossed paths quickly and Xie Lian didn't meet the eyes of the stranger again. Still, he was left with a feeling as if something important just happened, and that accompanied a weird taste in his mouth. It wasn't a bad taste, just definitely new. He felt almost intimidated by that stare. Not because it was disrespectful, or a challenging gaze, neither unwelcoming. It was just... well, curious. Turned out, Xie Lian had also never seen that face around, so he could say the curiosity was mutual. And it was actually refreshing to see new people in town!

He entered the school and sat in the room where the board meeting would take place. Now, instead of listening to the vice-director speak, his mind couldn't help but wander away to that man with the red beret again. Xie Lian knew that arriving in a new place with no one to call a friend could be hard, he himself had been in that same situation not long ago. At least he had his girlfriend, the sole reason for him to have come here.

Most probably, that man was just a visitor. A visitor with a very good sense of fashion, that was for sure. To be honest, it was as if the beret wore him, not the contrary. It transpired personality!

"Xie Lian, can your pedagogic planning be adjusted to fit this assistant then?"

The teacher felt his cheeks blush. He had no idea what was being said, but an assistant did not sound like a bad idea, so he nodded agreeing.

A kid's play (Teach me how to live again) - Hualian AU + TGCF as kidsWhere stories live. Discover now