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"Oh, come on.. Start already.." You continue to turn your key in the car as the engine continues to not start. Thunder rolls as you loudly groan and look out the window to your right at your work place, which you're trying to leave.

You roll your eyes as you grumble to yourself, you then look at your phone and think for a moment. 'I'm close enough to Henry's place I can just call him and tell him my car isn't fucking working! And see if I can walk over..'

You quickly pick up your phone and call Henry as you softly mumble "Pick up.. Pick up.."

You here silence for a moment then hear "Hello?" From the other end and some sounds in the background.

"Hey, Henry. So, listen, my car broke down at work and I'm pretty close to your place so can I just walk over to yours?"

"I mean, yeah of course, but are you sure you want to walk all the way here in the storm outside? Me or William can come pick you up."

'William? Why is he over at Henry's?' You thought before you spoke again "William? Why is he there?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry, I was babysitting his kids and he came over right before the storm hit so I let him stay here till it passed or at least calmed down outside."

'Typical Henry.' Henry was always kind to everyone especially you and his best friend. So him saying that did not come as a surprise. "Oh, alright. But to answer your question, I'll be alright walking."

"Well, if you say so.. Call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Yeah alright. See you in a bit Hen."

"See you."

You hung up as you put your phone in your pocket and put your hand on the car door. You grabbed your keys with your free hand and put them in your pocket as well, you softly sighed before you opened your door and was met with a cold hard rain. You quickly closed the door again and slightly shivered as you grabbed your jacket from the backseat.

You threw your jacket on and zipped it up before you opened your door again and stepped out into the rain as lightning lit up the sky. You closed your car door behind you and locked your car as you began to walk down the street towards Henry's place. "Of all the days to forget my umbrella, damnit.." You mumbled to yourself as you continued to walk through the rain.


You slightly shivered as you knocked on Henry's door and he quickly answered and pulled you inside as he closed the door behind you and thunder rumbled outside.

"Jesus Christ, Y/N! Why didn't you answer my fucking calls? You didn't answer William's either!" Henry tightly held your shoulders as he looked at you with a worried look.

"My phone died, why? What's the cause for panic?"

"Oh my god. There was some tornado warnings going through the county. I think one touched down near here." He let go of your shoulders as continued to look at you, "Your soaked. William, find them some clothes." He looked back at the male on the couch who was more concerned with his daughter as he glanced between Henry and the child who was mostly occupying him.

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