This is a filler- TW

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So- this is a filler- not smut- I'm so sorry about that anyway, this is mostly for me as a stupid little vent so yeah. If you're actually going to read this, enjoy! :)
TW I think-
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The slow stop to the car and the sound of an engine cutting of causes you to slowly open your eyes and look at your concerned fiancé.

"Are you sure you're okay love?" William gently reaches out to you and puts his hand on your cheek, cupping your face as you slightly nod.

"Yeah I'm fine. Can you turn the car back on? I uhm wanna stay out here for a minute.."

He looks at you, worried, before he quietly sighs and turns the keys to turn the engine back on. "Don't be long, okay? If you need something while you're out here, text me."

You gently nod again as William takes his seatbelt off then hesitates before getting out of the car and walking to the house door. He glances at you once more then he walks into the house and closes the door behind him.

Leaving you in the car, alone with only your thoughts and the sound of the air conditioner. You lightly sigh as you run your fingers through your hair, your thoughts racing as you start to stare off into space.

You just got back from a trip to your parents which ended in yelling and crying. The crying mostly from you and the yelling from your parents, as well as William, who was defending you.

"You not good enough to be in this family!"

"Your sisters are successful in business, but you? You haven't even graduated collage yet!"

"You are so fucking useless! Why can't you be like your sisters?"

"Get out of our house. And don't come back until you've got a successful self-made business."

Their words felt like knifes piercing through your skin. Like they never even cared. You were so caught up in your thoughts you hadn't realized the few tears running down your cheeks.

You quickly wiped your face with your sleeve but to no avail as tears continue to fall from your eyes as you give up. 'I'm alone, there's no reason to hide it, right?' You lightly sigh before you let your emotions consume you and start to sob while using your sleeve to cover your mouth.

You sit there, sobbing with your hand to your mouth but then quickly move it as you scream out of frustration then start to breathlessly sob while your thoughts continue to race through your mind.

After a few moments of you screaming, sobbing and not wanting to be in this situation. You begin to slowly collect yourself, wiping your face as you quit crying while catching your breath by taking deep breaths.

You bring down the sun visor of the passenger seat and unblock the mirror as you look at your tear stained face and puffy eyes while you feel the need to cry again. You quickly block the mirror again and put the visor where it was as you take deep breaths. 'It's okay, it's okay. Just don't breakdown again. Especially in front of the children or William.'

You lightly sigh as you hesitantly turn the keys and cut the engine. Opening your door then closing it behind you, locking the car and walking to the front door. You turn the handle and open it then walk in to see William and the children watching tv on the couch, Elizabeth being the first to notice you.

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