"His and her majesty."

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"Your majesty." The guard mumbled and bowed as he walked by, earning a nod from the king as the guard regained his straight posture.

"And you are here for?" The ruler sternly asked as he narrowed his eyes as his gaze landed upon the man in front of him.

"A queen from another kingdom has come to visit." The knight had easily answered as three other children had entered the room.

"Really? Why so?" His majesty once again asked as what looked to be a young child reached out to him, causing him to look down and smile then pick up the small boy. The child had giggled in response and sat in the kings lap as the other two were off into a corner to play.

"She has come to visit you and your children." The knight had quickly answered once more while the little girl in the corner and what seemed to be her brother perked up.

"A visitor?"

"For us and daddy?"

"Yes, children. A queen from another kingdom. And when is she to show up?" The king quickly turned his attention between the guard and his children.

"In no more than an hour."

"Ah. Alright then. You may leave now."

"Yes, your majesty." The guard had left exactly how he entered, with a bow then a turn on the heel to walk out.

The small ginger haired girl had now walked up to her father with her brown haired brother in tow. "Who is she daddy? Is she gonna be nice?"

The king had put his hand out and ruffled her hair as he smiled and continued to hold his youngest child in his arms. "I'm not sure exactly who she is but I'm very sure she'll be kind, my princess."

This made the little girl smile widely as she sat down next to her father's legs, her older brother doing the same but sitting next to her instead.


"Her majesty has arrived!" The line of guards had knelt down onto one knee with their heads down as they bowed to the queen who walk into his presence.

"Your majesty." The king had stood up and bowed in front of her while she returned the favor.

"No one told me the king was so handsome here." She stated as a grin appeared on her face and the king had looked dumbfounded before he cleared his throat.

"Yes well, nobody had told me a goddess would be walking into my throne room today. I was informed of a queen." This made the foreign ruler softly giggle as he had made his way to stand in front of her, offering his hand as he knelt in front of her. "William Afton, beautiful."

He grabbed her hand and gently kissed the back of it as she softly smiled. "Y/n l/n, your kind majesty." He had now stood up but still had a light hold on her hand that she didn't mind at all. Though, she was confused of why she didn't mind, anyone other than him she would have kindly taken her hand back but she kept it in his grip.

"You're reason to visit here, darling?" His deep British accent coated his words as he spoke, leaving her with butterflies every time he stopped speaking.

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