I hate myself for this one-

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I hate myself for this- it's kinda a take on Mandela Catalog. It's an analog horror series if anyone's interested- but I've been obsessed with it lately and making myself hallucinate things when I'm tired like the intruder in corners, anyway- Enjoy my children! Oh and spoilers if you are watching it.
Y/n continued cleaning the floor as the television played some old movie as their boss walks out and white noise starts playing. The screen turns to static as Y/n pulls a gun from their belt and shoots the television.

"I'm not dealing with that."

"That's fair, But did you really have to shoot it?"

"Unplugging it didn't help Adam Murray now did it?"

"Well, no, but-"

"No buts."



Silence filled the room.

"You know what happened to Adam?"

"He was kidnapped, from his crib, his mum killed herself afterwards."



William walked over to Y/n as he put his hand on their shoulders and took the broom. "I'll clean, you go home."

"Thank you si- William. Thank you William."

"Of course."

Y/n nods and turns to walk out of the building before kicking the television cord out to the outlet, then walking out and back home. Y/n's home is right beside the Murray home, there's always weird noises or police at that place. They used to be woken up by Adam crying but that won't happen anymore. That kid is long gone, and they know it. They've become acquainted with the lead of the police force, Lieutenant Thatcher Davis. He's a nice guy, laid back, pretty easy going, and good looking as well. But if he keeps investigating that house, he'll be dead as well. His partner, Ruth Weaver, has already disappeared while investigating that house, and Y/n knows exactly why and where she is.

Thatcher waves towards Y/n as they walk by and Y/n smiles and waves back. Thatcher goes back to what he was doing as Y/n unlocks their door and walks into their house. They lock the door behind them and close all the curtains before pulling off their shirt and throwing it to the side, rolling their shoulders as they shake their head.

Satan, that's technically who they are, posing as Y/n and the angel Gabriel all at the same time. Having the exact looks as The Angel Gabriel, long blonde hair, brown eyes, and wings, of course, but those are hidden during the day.

Y/n yawns as they plop down on the couch and groan. "It's been so boring since the stupid Tv and mirror destruction order and they searched my fucking house. Ughhhh."

The door gets a knock as Y/n moves to where they can keep their wings perfectly behind their back so they can't be seen as they open the door. Looking down slightly to see their boss.

"William? Do you need something?"

"I don't need anything, I just meant to ask if you would want to hang out or something. It's been really boring without TV's and shit. And now that you shot the only one at the diner..." Both of them kind of laugh before Y/n opens the door more and lets William in.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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