The accident. 3

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The car came to a slow stop as you two had arrived at your workplace, before you could even notice he had already turned the car off and stepped out of the driver's door, coming over to your door and opening for you, offering his hand. You gently smiled at him as you put your hand in his and got out of the car while he smiled back at you.

He had led you to the two front doors as you both kept holding each other's hands. He let go of your hand and politely opened the door for you, letting you walk in first before walking in after you. You both were immediately met with your other boss, Henry Emily. 

"Y/n, hello, anyways I need you to clean the back quickly, would you please?" The dirty blonde spoke to you as you softly smiled and nodded your head.

"Sure Henry. I can do that." You spoke back, a sweet tone in your voice.

"Alright, thank you. Now, William, come with me, will you?" Henry signaled William to follow him as he had already started walking down the hallway to the two men's offices. You watched as the two of them turned the corner and left you to yourself, causing a light smile to appear on your face.

You start to walk over to the stage, climbing up onto it and walking behind the curtain. Now finding yourself backstage, you look around to find the broom against the wall and you grab it, starting to sweep backstage as you quietly hum to yourself.

You finish sweeping all the dirt into a pile as you grab a dustpan and sweep the dirt into there before throwing it away and starting to dust a few things backstage.
"I'm going to go take a smoke break, I'll be back in a second." You say to your co-worker, Julie, as she lightly nods and flashes you a soft smile before going back to work while you open the back door and exit the kitchen to the back of the establishment.

You lean your back against the wall as you pull out your pack of cigarettes and lighter, taking one cigarette and placing it between your lips before lighting it. You take a long drag from the cigarette then blow out a cloud of smoke as you hold the cigarette between your fingers as you look at it. "I should really quit this shit.."

Screams erupt from the Pizzaria behind you as you slightly look around the put out the cigarette on your arm before you throw the butt down and run into the source of the screams, rushing into the main area as you look at the chaos unfolding in front of you.

Parents ushering their children out as they cuss out workers while claiming they will never come here again, and most of you couldn't care less if they came back or not, but aside from that you notice William screaming in pain as the sound or cracking bones hits your ears, causing you to wince from the sound. You look around a bit more to see a few co-workers trying to calm the bleeding man as well as themselves as they attempt to get the suit off him. You look over to the side a bit to see a panicked Henry on the phone, most likely calling 911.

You become extremely worried and immediately run over to him and kneel next to him, taking a deep breath then speaking in a shaky but calm tone to him. Him noticing your very presence calms him down a bit while you speak comforting words to him, keeping him mostly calm before he passes out from blood loss and the sound of sirens quickly comes closer as lights are visible from the window.

The EMTs quickly rush in and take the passed out, still bleeding, man into the ambulance and rush away from the scene to the hospital in no time while police now are questioning people, as well as you.

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