Chap. 6

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(Yes hi after a while I'm back! Sorry it took so long!)

She picks me up, and stands me up. "You look so cute and sexy Violet!" I pause, then walk over to a mirror. "Damn! This diaper is bigger than I thought!" I whisper under my breath. The poofy dress barely covers my ass, exposing a big ass diaper with a lock-up cover over it!

"You'll like it soon enough." She says with a grin. She drags me by the hand to a room I never knew we had. Wait, is this even our house!?

She notices my shocked look and chuckles. "You know, I got this house from an old relative of mine. They taut me the ways of ABDL as well..! For you I'd say TBDL though...Either way! Get that body ready!" She squeals as we walk into a room with a man on the bed, only in his under-wear.

He motions his finger at me. " C'mere baby~ " He says. I feel a huge push on my back as he hold me up by my boobs. The door slams as he sits me up, still, yes, grasping my boobs. "You REALLY have quite the taste for clothes!" He says, as my boobs are ready to pop out of the dresses top. He makes circle motions on my breasts as I try not to show what little pleasure I have.

"You're no fun!" He chuckles. He starts to pull off the top of the dress. As he does, the front rips, then rips the entire dress down the middle, exposing everything but what is diapered. "THIS is what I wanted~!" He groaned. He picked me up by force, and laid down. Holding me above him, he sets my diaper on his face. "You know what to do, shit cheeks." 

(AHAHHA I might say boobs but I ain't writing shit and piss and mega moaning noises people. Think about it. Now lets get back to it.)

I enjoy being naked in front of this hunky man, but the diaper is another. Having me shit in a diaper while sitting on his face is SO gross! I thought it was over when he sat me back up. I was right and wrong at the same time. He grabbed the back part of the diaper and said, "It COULD be fuller, ya know." 

He laid me down on my back. I prepared for the worst as he pushed down on my lower belly. I tried to hold in my bladder full of piss, but it all came out the second time he pushed. He laughed in satisfaction saying, "Your mom wants me to teach you how to be the perfect Slutty TBDL. So by god I'll do it." 

He sits me up again. Now feeling like some sort of realistic sex doll, my mom walks in. "Good job, Mason." She says as she slides him a few hundred dollar bills. "Extra, for agreeing to this." He nodded and walked out, again, in only underwear. 

"He's going to his car to go home, ya know. We're out in a secluded area, so no one will find us." 

Silence crept over the room as she saw how un-comfy I was with this.

"You'll love it soon, my Violet dear." She sighed her words as she dragged me by my arms, took me to the nursery, AKA, my room, and put me in a new dress, again, barely holding my boobs. I look down at the still locked, and still messed diaper. 

"Mom?" I said sweetly. She looked at me and asked what I wanted. I said, "Can we change this messy diaper of mine?" I said as sweet as sugar. She shook her head and slammed the door as she exclaimed, "You need to become an auto-wetter, my darling!" (Auto-wetter = wets without realizing.)

End Of Chapter. Chap.7 In Progress.

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