Chap. 7

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(For YOU to note; She walked to the crib, climbed in, and fell asleep until 7:00am the next day.)

I could feel someone shaking my shoulder. "Wake up~. Wake up Violet~"

I jumped awake, and sat up to see mom holding a clipboard. Oh great! What NOW! Does she have a list of moves do in bed or what! "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk." She said slowly. "You started to venture into the sex, but what if someone wants to have a SISSY baby instead of a SEXY babe-e! THAT'S where these rules come in. Follow them and live like my little baby until Mason comes over next week." She stated, pointing her pen at the clipboard.

"ONE: You MUST crawl or ask for "uppies." TWO: You must use baby talk like "Mama, Mommy, Baba for bottle, Etc, etc. THREE: You MUST use your diaper for the restroom, because the only toilet is locked in my room. I mainly use a diaper anyways, so it's pretty run down, with no water running to it. FOUR: You may only consume juices and milk, only from bottles I feel you. FIVE: You will only eat baby food, and only when I put you in your high chair. SIX: Never do anything that involves things you would do even at a toddler age like walking, talking more than a few baby words and baby gibberish, etc etc. SEVEN: This is not a rule. This is a fact. I have a little device, that if I wish for something, (yes wish button rip off ik), it will happen. Do as I say and you won't have to be punished."

After she blabbed for ages like anyone in these stories should, she pulled out a small yellow plastic toy with a red button and a black screen circle showing when you talk. She held the red button as she said, "I wish my daughter Violet would have a pacifier that can only be put in and taken out by me." 


Then all of the sudden, a pink and white pacifier spawned in her hand. She walked closer as I crammed my mouth closed. As she tried forcing it open she said, "The button can make you into a true baby or true bimbo in five seconds. You choose."

With that I let her pry open my mouth and shove it in. Just for the hell of it, I tried pulling it out. It wouldn't budge..! The button is real, and so is my situation. I have to take this seriously. 

End Of Chapter,

(I kinda have the story planned out already.)

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