Chapter 2: Confusion

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characters: shiratorizawa, reader, and seijoh.

warnings: slight cussing.

word count: 1.3k

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The shrill sound of the whistle echoed throughout the arena as the game finally ended, the score 2-0 with Shiratorizawa winning the match. You stood up from your seat, cheering alongside the school's cheer squad at the team's victory, you held up your hand as they gave you high fives, congratulating them as they move to stand in front of Coach Washijou to listen to whatever he has to say.

It wasn't anything long, just a simple "Well done" and a nod of his head, it was the closest thing to a praise they could get, but who were they to complain? It's better than running all the way back to school and do 200 serves after.

"You guys were amazing!" You said, walking behind them as they walk towards the locker room, everyone was in a good mood; the team they were playing against wasn't much of a challenge like you had expected them to be. The new trick that they were practicing was a success when they decided to try it out a while ago, and no one was arguing with each other during the game as well, not even Shirabu and Semi.

It was a good day and a good day deserves a reward.

Tendou slowed down his walk as he slung an arm around your shoulder "Aren't we always (Y/n)-chan?"

"Of course!" You nodded beaming at him as he laughs, pinching your cheek as he cooed at you.

"You're too cute! First years are so cute!"

"Except for Goshiki" the mentioned first year's head snapped to look at Shirabu, an offended look on his face as the second-year met his eyes, one eyebrow raised in a challenge "What? You think you're cute?"

"I've been called cute by many people, just so you know!"


"You're just salty because no one calls you cute!"

You took hold of Shirabu's hand when he raises it to slap every molecule of disrespect from Goshiki's body, your laugh mixing in with their bickering as Semi's shout of "Shut up!" went from one ear to another.

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"Iwa-chan, have you seen my glasses?" Oikawa asks, rummaging through his bag for said item, pushing aside the other things inside as he opened every pocket in case he had overlooked them.

"Weren't you wearing contacts earlier?" Matsukawa stood beside him, stuffing his hands in his pocket.

"I had to take them out; they were starting to hurt my eyes" Oikawa let out a sigh, closing his bag when no signs of his glasses were to be found. They were currently standing outside the arena as they too had just finished their own game, waiting for the lower years who went to buy them some food.

"I'll send Kindaichi a text to check the changing room" Iwaizumi said, fishing his phone from his pocket and shooting a quick text to the first year. They started walking towards a shaded area, the sun's heat becoming too much for them to handle.

"Kana-chan?!" They followed their captain's line of sight, expecting to see his cousin. However, he was just staring at the Shiratorizawa volleyball team, who was talking to a girl wearing a jacket and track pants similar to the ones worn by the team members. Her back turned towards them but her hair color was similar to Kana. Unfortunately, Oikawa couldn't even distinguish those small difference in details because of his poor eyesight and was now already marching towards the group

"Oi!" They run after him just in case he'd do something stupid, which he probably will.

"We can order take out later, it will be my tre-" You let out a surprised yelp as you felt yourself being pulled back towards strong chest, arms wrapping around your shoulders. You try to struggle out of the stranger's hold but his grip on you was too tight.

"Kana-chan, what are you doing being friendly with the enemy?!" You frown, who the hell was Kana?

"Are you trying to make her transfer to Shiratorizawa?! Well, guess what, she will never go to your stupid school!" Oikawa stuck out his tongue at them, as your teammates narrowed their eyes at him.

"Her name is (L/n) (Y/n) she is a first-year student at Shiratorizawa Academy and the manager of the boys' volleyball club" Ushijima stated, his face neutral as ever, you nodded your head pointing your finger at your captain.

"Yes, what he said" Sadly, Oikawa was too busy being angry with Ushijima that he didn't hear you or he did and he just ignored it.

"Your manager?! She will never manage a team like yours, and her name is Oikawa Kana, a 3rd year at Aobajohsai High School!"

Goshiki, who was not liking the way Oikawa was touching you, grab your hands and started pulling you away, the same with Iwaizumi who has had enough of his teammate's bullshit started prying him off of you. This resulted in more members from both sides joining and the next thing you knew, you were now in the middle of a game of tug of war.

They were pulling at your arms a little too hard that you feel like they might dislocate your shoulder if this continues any longer. Finally, the last bit of Iwaizumi's patience is now gone and decided to punch Oikawa in the face, the latter letting go of your hands in surprise at the impact. He stumbled back, holding his face as he turns to the vice-captain.

"Iwa-chan what are you doing?! Now they have Kana-chan!"

"That's not Kana, trashykawa!" a kick landed on Oikawa's back as he let out a pained cry. Iwaizumi shoved a pair of glasses on his hand, the one he was looking for earlier, and wore it. He looks at the girl, who was massaging her shoulder from where he was holding her a while ago.


"Go apologize you idiot!" Oikawa stood up, rubbing the area where Iwaizumi kicked him and turned to you. However, instead of apologizing like what Iwaizumi told him, he decided to say something else.

"(Y/n)-chan, right? You're reall-"

He stops, as you held up your hand in front of him "Please don't say my name so casually. I don't even know you"

Now that is a surprise, with Oikawa being so popular, even girls from different schools, coming from different cities know him either by name or by face. Interested, Hanamaki steps forward pointing a finger at Oikawa "You really don't know him?"

The look you gave him was enough to tell him that yes, you don't know this idiot who just attacked you "His name is Oikawa Tōru, you know, that pretty guy from Seijoh"

Your eyes shifted to look at the brunette, observing his face as he gave you one of his charming smiles "He looks normal to me" You shrug your shoulders "If we're talking about pretty guys, Akaashi-san from Fukurodani is 10x prettier"

Oikawa's jaw slackens in disbelief, now, if it was a guy he would've just dismissed it as nothing, Iwaizumi insults him every day. But a girl? It's tragic, he won't be recovering from that one any time soon.

You turn to walk back to the bus, your body disappearing from their sight as the members surround your form, protecting you from any more similar incidents that might happen in the next minute.

"That was the first time a girl talk like that to you huh?" Matsukawa's teasing grin only dampens Oikawa's mood even more as the middle blocker pointed his phone at him, still recording.

"And I heard she's very nice too, guess she just doesn't like you" the two troublemakers share a high five, clearly not giving a crap about Oikawa's shattered pride.

Iwaizumi let out a huff, crossing his arms over his chest "Serves you right, assykawa"

With teary eyes, Oikawa mumbled "All of you are horrible"

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