Chapter 7: Fiesta

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character: shiratorizawa team and reader.

warnings: none, just some swearing.

word count: 2.5k

note: sorry if I haven't posted in 2 years, a lot of things happened and yeah.

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School festivals are one of the most exciting events that the students are looking forward to every school year. The different attractions that each class and students have prepared, the various events the school had lined up, and the wide array of foods made available for everyone to enjoy.

The festivity usually lasts for about a week, starting off with the opening ceremony in the form of a little parade around the school area, and ending it with an amazing fireworks display partnered with a bonfire.

And with Shiratorizawa being a rich school – as what most outsiders would say – everything is pretty much a little too extravagant. However, it's only fair, with the tuition fee so high, what else would they use it other than for things that would benefit their students?

"I don't think 1 week is enough to go through all of these" you unfolded the pamphlet you were holding. Skimming through the events scheduled for each day, the attractions and their locations. Everything was written to serve as guides to the outsiders visiting and to the students and faculty as well.

Goshiki leans down a little as he too tries to read what's written on the pamphlet, recognizing a few, and making a mental note as to what attractions he should visit next.

"'Tomu-kun, do you know the name of the play our senpai's will be doing? Tendou-san mentioned it before but I forgot"

Goshiki hums as he tries to remember, whilst you continue to flip the pamphlet over and over again to find it in the schedule. "I think it was 'The Demon King: Conquering the Last Kingdom"

"Ah, here it is" you tap on the part where the play's date, time, and venue was specified. "It's tonight"

"Let's watch it with Shirabu-san and Kawanishi-san later" he took his phone from his pocket, as he snapped a picture of the play's information so it wouldn't be hard to look for it later in case one of you forgets.

He pockets his phone as the two of you continue to walk down the hall of the second years' building. The two of you had just finished your shift and had agreed to spend the rest of the day going through the various attractions the class had to offer.

"(Y/n)-chan –" Goshiki started, placing a hand on your shoulder and giving it a light squeeze. "- isn't that Kawanishi-san?"

You look up at him for a second before following his line of sight. There stood in front of a classroom just a few feet away was Kawanishi Taichi, the middle blocker of Shiratorizawa's volleyball club wearing what seems to be a rip off of Alice's dress.

"What the hell?" you both stay rooted on your spot, watching as your senior rocking that ridiculous outfit.

The light blue dress only reaches the middle of his thighs displaying his long muscled legs. A golden pocket watch dangling on his waist, his hands covered with white gloves. A white frilled headband on his head, taming down his usually pointy ginger hair. On his left thigh was a black lace garter and to finish off the look, a pair of white boots for his feet.

You have no idea who talked him into wearing that costume, but you got to admit. He looks good in it.

Probably way better than you if ever you tried it on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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