Chapter 6: Fevers Are No Fun

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character: shiratorizawa team and reader.

warnings: getting sick, mentions of reader neglecting their health. DON'T IGNORE YOUR HEALTH PEOPLE!

word count: 3.4k

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You gathered all the dirty towels and training bibs, dropping them into the basket you were holding so they could be wash. Humming a tune under your breath as you walk around the expanse of the gym to collect them all, practice for the day had already ended and the first years were in charge of cleaning up. The higher years were slowly retreating to their own dorm room to retire for the night.

"We'll be going now" Tendou walks pass you, waving his hand as goes to where the others were standing by the door. Already washed and changed into fresh clothes.

"See you tomorrow"

"You have your umbrella with you right?" Semi looks at the sky and frowning at the approaching thunderclouds. "It looks like it's going to rain again"

"I have one in my bag"

He nodded his head before they finally head out, leaving you and the rest of the first years to continue cleaning the gym. The boys now mopping the floor while the others gather all the volleyballs scattered in all corners of the gym, then throwing them into the basket where they are usually kept.

You went into the back area, loading the dirty towels and training bibs into the washing machine. Putting in the right amount of detergent and fabric softener before pressing the start button.

"The weather's been very bad since we came back from Tokyo" Goshiki observes the dark clouds looming over the rest of the buildings around the campus. Flashes of lightning could be seen running through the sky. "It's not even the rainy season yet"

"A new typhoon's probably entering the country again" Sagae drops the mop he was holding as he helps you push the basket filled with volleyballs back into the storage room. The others following behind you already finished cleaning up. They pass you the mops, as you neatly place them where they were usually hung together.

You check the gym one last time, surveying the area for any more equipment that was left behind, before walking out and locking the storage room.

"It really started raining" Akakura slings his bag over his shoulder, rummaging through it for his umbrella.

The trees outside were swaying harshly due to the strong winds that blew pass them, raindrops pelting heavily on the rooftop buildings then dropping down on to the ground.

"We'll go on ahead now" Goshiki waves them goodbye as he waits for you to finish packing your things.

"'Tomu-kun, did you bring your umbrella with you?" he looks down at you frowning at your bag; the items that you stuff inside were once again spread out on the floor. "I think I left mine in my room"

"I don't have mine either, I was hoping to share with you"

You stared at each other for a whole minute, before realizing that you two are stuck in there until the rain stops or at least calms down. He drops down on the ground beside you, stretching his legs as he sighs.

"Guess we just have to wait it out then" thankfully, the two of you do not have any homework nor any test to prepare for the next day. Classes were a bit lax now that the first round of major exams was finished, the teachers were too busy checking and grading the papers to even bother assigning the students' homework and other school-related tasks.

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