Chapter 4: kefi

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characters: shiratorizawa team and reader.

warnings: a bit of cursing.

word count: 3.6k

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"What's the answer to number 4?" Yamagata scratched his head with his pencil, staring at his exercise paper on the table, the numbers not making any sense to him anymore. He could feel his fingers starting to hurt from the number of times he had been pressing the buttons of his calculator, but he could still not find the answer he was looking for, the calculator's screen displaying syntax error.

"It's 126.76" Reon replied, not looking up from his own paper as he concentrates on his own set of problems. It had been easy, the first few questions were doable, nothing out of the ordinary, however, when he reached numbers 10 and above he swore the teacher was high when he made that exercise. I mean, what's the point of making a multiple choice question when the answer is not even in the choices.

"What? I thought it was 116" now Semi was starting to get even more frustrated, he was sure his answer was correct, he even searched up a tutorial on YouTube on how to solve that particular equation.

"You need to add the 10, not subtract it" Shirabu corrected, as Semi erased his current answer and started replacing it with the right one. Mumbling to himself how the fuck is calculus useful in the real world, you don't see people adding a and b to buy a sack of rice, nor finding x to purchase fruits in the market.

Math is ridiculous; he hopes that whoever invented this shit suffers in hell.

"Let's rest for now" Ushijima suggested, closing his notebook as he rested his pencil on top of it. Aware of just how everyone was getting stressed.

"Where did Satori go?" Semi looks around the room, noticing that the redhead had disappeared. "Taichi and Tsutomu too"

"They went out to go get food"

"They did?"

Yamagata nodded his head, lazily going through the books stacked on top of Tendou's desk, most of them were manga that he had read and re-read, while the others were borrowed books from the library that he had never bothered to return.

There was a knock on the door, as Semi who was the closest, stood and opened it to reveal the people they have been looking for a while ago.

"We're back!" Tendou announced cheerily, a Tupperware in his hands as he entered the room, followed by Kawanishi, Goshiki, and someone unfamiliar.

"Who's that?" Shirabu pointed, raising a questioning brow at the person's choice of clothing. An oversized sweater, shorts that reach below their knees and swan patterned socks.

"What do you mean? That's (Y/n)" you lift your hand up in a wave, the sweater's long sleeve covering your own arm. A wide smile on your face, as you sat down on the floor along with them, Semi closing the door and locking it.


No words left their mouth as they stared at you, you looked pretty convincing as a boy, the wig you wore accentuated your face just right. However, did Tendou really have you wear a wig that was an exact replica of Goshiki's signature bowl-cut? Of all the millions of hairstyles, he could choose from, really?

"Did you just smuggle her in?" Reon asks in disbelief. "How did you do it?"

"(Y/n)'s so small nobody noticed her" you swat Kawanishi with your sweater sleeve as he snickered, ruffling your hair before opening the bag you brought with you. Taking out different containers full of food, plates, chopsticks, and other eating utensils.

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