Chapter 3: Hello Baby

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characters: shiratorizawa and reader.

warnings: none

word count: 1.6k

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"Psst. Eita-kun wake up" Semi groaned, rolling over as he moved away from the hand shaking him up from his current slumber. Mumbling under his breath as he buries his face on the pillow pressed in his chest.

"Eita-kun, wake up this is urgent" The voice definitely sounded like Tendou, and Semi knows the middle blocker loves to mess around, the idea of annoying his teammates seems to be at the top of his daily agenda. Semi swats the hand away, mildly irritated as it keeps interrupting him and his much needed sleep.

"Something happened to Tsutomu and (Y/n)"

The others have never seen him sit up so fast before, his eyes wide as he looks around the room for said first years. Alert and ready to deal with whatever trouble the younger ones got into.

"Where are they?" Semi pressed a palm on his head, closing his eyes, feeling dizzy, he should've sat up slowly instead of perking up like a rake that got stepped on.

"They're here" Reon gestured to the two babies sitting on one of the futons, staring at them with wide eyes filled with curiosity. Semi was speechless, he was starting to think he was still dreaming so he pinch himself, letting out a hiss as the pain shot through his arm.

Okay, he's wide awake then.

"What happened to them?" The setter still couldn't fathom the sight before him, as far as he knew, when he went to sleep last night he was sure those two were still teenagers. Is it witchcraft? It can't be possible, as much as he was tempted to do black magic once just so he could get back at Tendou for that prank two months ago, he never willed into his desire and just pranked Tendou in return.

"We don't know either, when we woke up they were already like that" Yamagata scratched his head, going through his brain for any sort of weird phenomena that happened last night. They just had a barbecue, a movie marathon and a pillow fight. Nothing followed after that.

"Whatever it is, we'll just have to take care of them until it wears off I guess" Shirabu knelt down beside the two and pick up the now baby (Y/n), the clothes she had worn to bed were pooling around her as it was too big, the sleeves of her shirt were sliding down. So Shirabu made sure to properly adjust the clothes to avoid exposing any of her private parts.

Goshiki, the little cutie that he is, immediately spotted Ushijima sitting just a few feet away from him. Wanting to be held as well, he stretched out his arms towards the ace and made grabbing motions, cooing.

Semi could feel his heart burst at the sight, was it possible for a baby to achieve a whole new level of cuteness?

"He still likes Wakatoshi even as a baby" Reon laughs, watching as Ushijima gently place the baby on his lap, tickling him on the stomach as Goshiki babbles with laughter.

"We should feed them though, (Y/n)'s hungry" Kawanishi spoke up, pointing at (Y/n) who was looking at her stomach weirdly. Her eyebrows furrowed, lips pulled down into a little frown, not liking the sounds her stomach were emitting.

She looks up at Shirabu, patting her stomach as if asking.


"It means you're hungry" Shirabu answered, as if he had understood the girl's silent question. But the girl didn't seem to believe him, instead, she pressed her hands on her stomach to stop it from making any more sounds, but it didn't work, it just resulted in it getting louder.

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