Chapter 5: Tokyo Drift

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characters: shiratorizawa team, reader, sakusa kiyoomi, and komori motoya. (quick appearance)

warnings: none, just some good 'ol fluff.

word count: 5.1k

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"We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship, zooming through the sky! Little Einsteins~" both you and Goshiki bounce on your seat at the back of the bus, singing the theme song of the cartoon you two watch for fun a few days ago. "Climb aboard, get ready to explore there's so much to find little Einsteins~"

"Aren't they excited?" a fond smile made its way into Semi's face as he watches the two first years belting their hearts out to a song made for children. Tendou and Yamagata joining the two, causing the overall noise inside the bus to increased in volume. Their English pronunciation was horrible, but it didn't stop them from sharing their – talent.

Kawanishi, who was two seats away from the four was also humming along, snacking on a chocolate bar, his phone on his hand capturing it all on camera, probably for future blackmail material. While Shirabu who was seated beside him, continues to sleep, unbothered by the ruckus happening inside the bus.

"This is their first time going to Tokyo after all" Reon answered, before he tilted his head to the side when they switch to a different song, this time, it was Tendou's famous baki baki ni ore. "Since when did Satori taught them that?"

"Probably since the moment they joined"

They were currently on their way to Tokyo for a practice match with another college volleyball team, the colleges that they use to play against in Miyagi were coincidentally busy with academics, something about an upcoming exam that they need to prepare for so they had to cancel.

Fortunately, with Shiratorizawa being a powerhouse school, Coach Saito and Washijou-sensei had connections to institutions outside of Miyagi. So they called up a friend who's currently handling a college volleyball team and requested for a practice match.

The singing lasted for another thirty minutes before they eventually fell asleep, the bus now quiet. Washijou-sensei who was seated up front, let out a sigh of relief, thankful for the silence, something that Semi and Reon didn't fail to notice. The two chuckled, as strict as he may be, Washijou-sensei knows when to let his players have their fun, he isn't exactly a killjoy like some had thought. He's actually very nice, once you get to know him of course.

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"You're allowed to go sightseeing but please always bring a buddy with you, to prevent anyone from getting lost" his eyes landed on the older members, silently asking them to keep a close eye on their two first years. "Washijou-sensei and I will be meeting up with Coach Sasaki, so be back before 11"

Everyone nods their heads at his words before the two finally entered the elevator once it reaches your floor. The hotel you were staying at was a bit high class, you don't know how the club's fund covered it, but you weren't complaining.

Each one of you had your own separate room, each guest had three food slips with, one was a free access to an eat-all-you-can food at the dining area's buffet, while the other two were for a free breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

"So..." Tendou turned around, a grin plastered on his face as he held up the food slip the receptionist gave earlier. "Let's go fill up our belly and enjoy Tokyo's nightlife"

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