Chapter 7

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Xiao tried his best to hide how he was feeling around everyone, trying to be lively like Venti. But whenever he was in the middle of a conversation, his head would throb. Him suffering and bleeding on that wretched battlefield with his long-gone friends. He would excuse himself and sit down in the garden. Whenever he'd get these flashbacks, he would feel paralyzed and in much pain.

It was quite obvious there was something wrong to Venti and Aether, as whenever Xiao got these he'd clutch his head mutter something, then quickly walk away. Xiao didn't feel like seeing people, but he had no choice to. At lunch, Xiao was planning to sit alone but Aether and Venti eventually found him. Now something was really wrong. Xiao wouldn't eat anything at all. All he did was put his hand on his forehead. He looked hot too. It was extremely visible he was sweating, and his skin looked..redder. Venti started to get really concerned and hatched a plan.

It was time for gym, where they would use their visions to 1v1 each other. Xiao was against Kazuha, he had been training  extra hard. Kazuha knew in an instant that he would lose against Xiao, who was one of the strongest in the school. Kazuha did his best, but lost. Xiao's head was throbbing the entire time, which made it a close match.
"Ah, so Xiao wins in this match. Are you both done now?"
Xiao could recognize that voice anywhere.
"Hello, Xiao. Venti told me they were looking for someone to instruct todays lesson. So of course I came."
"We haven't finished our duel yet." Kazuha spoke, about to deliver a final blow.
"Right." Xiao said.
Practically everyone was watching them, since they were done.
Xiao managed to stop Kazuha's final blow (some anemo explosion whatever you think) and swept him off his feet.
"Well done Xiao."
Xiao's head, once again, was throbbing badly. He couldn't move his hands or legs, completely paralyzed. He started sweating badly, which caught Venti's attention.
"So Xiao, I'd like to have a talk...Xiao?"
"Xiao couldn't open his mouth. He felt too weak and sick to move, not that he could anyway. He started getting flashes of what happened that cursed day. All his companions falling to the ground, disappearing.
"Xiao!" Venti pushed through the crowd. He climbed into the ring as Xiao fell down to the floor. He had quite a nasty fall; he had scraped his head, and it was bleeding quite badly.
Venti picked him up then whispered, "It's going to be ok, Xiao, I promise."
Venti ran with Xiao in his arms, rushing back to the dorm. Zhongli quickly ran after, "Everyone, you are dismissed!"

Blood was still dripping down his face. He winced at the pain. Everything hurt. Every part of him hurt. But he couldn't cry. He couldn't do anything. All he could do was do nothing.

Venti reached the dorm in a short amount of time. He placed Xiao gently on the bed. Zhongli came quickly after, on his phone.
"Venti, what's the dorm number?"
"Number 26, Mr Baizhu."
Everyone was panicking.
"Agh!" Xiao winced. The pain was increasing. It didn't help that he had a headache as well. Venti held his hand all the way through, which managed to calm Xiao down. Baizhu came in a short amount of time, with medicines and food.
"These should help," he said, placing everything down, "that's a very nasty cut. It'll take a lot of time to clear up. Hmm.. let me see what I can do.."
Baizhu did all he could, but he couldn't get rid of the cut. "This cut wields a lot of power. Were you in some sort of state, Xiao? Perhaps your memories make this strong.."
A few hours later, Xiao was getting better, but he was still exhausted. He didn't leave his bed for 3 days straight.
Venti checked on him very often, in between lessons, at lunch time. He even got a sleeping bag and slept in Xiao's room to give him more company and comfort.

Sorry but I don't know to countinue this soo end of chapter

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