01 | Freya

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"Could you drive slower? It's gonna look like a child wrote this. Seriously Steve!", she spat his arm.

"Dude chill, it's not like that would be any different from normal. I haven't met anyone who could ever understand your unique font on the first read."

Freya gives a last mean glance at Steve but decides to leave it there. I mean, she was the one who decided to leave the last part of her summer project on the morning of the first day. And the one who decided to trust that Steve could drive like a normal person this once. She had been waiting for this day. Only a year and she would be on her way to college with Steve. Steve, who she had recently started dating but who was everything she had hoped for. Funny, handsome, owner of his own car. Excluding the fact that Steve hangs out with too many friends who are younger than him. Maybe he has some kind of big brother syndrome. Whatever it was, Freya didn't seem to mind it. She loved those boys too. Even if they were also her brothers' friends. She probably would love them even more if they wouldn't call her the female Steve all the time. But you know, she was part of their group now. Even if it was to portray female Steve.

"Earth to Freya, come in Freya!", Robin says while waving her hand right in front of Freya's face. "We are here, we gotta go!". They all agreed to carpool together to school this semester. Or more like Robin and Steve agreed to give Freya a ride every morning. As stepping out of the car Freya took a big breath in. The same old brick building stood on the same spot as always but this time she felt different. She didn't know if it was because it was her last year or if she was nervous to walk in with Steve "the hair" Harrington. People definitely knew they were dating since rumors traveled faster than light in this town, but no one had seen them together before this day.

As the couple and Robin were walking through the doors, Steve wrapped his arm around Freya's shoulders. She looked up to him and tiny bit of butterflies flew through her body.

"You like what you see Wheeler?", Steve playfully winks at her with a grin. "Don't be so cocky. I know you have a super hot girlfriend now but don't let it get to your head."

"I don't there's any more room. You know with the hair and the overly cocky confidence", Robin chimed in with a slight laugh.

"Will all the students gather in the cafeteria".

It was the usual start for every semester. As the three of them were walking towards Steve's usual table we heard a familiar noice. "STEVE! STEVE HERE!". Dustin. Happy as always. I swear that kid must be on some good medication. He came running to Steve and jumped to hug him. Freya got caught in the middle of that and it became an awkward group hug. But Dustin was exited as was Steve.

"Henderson! I haven't seen you all summer!", Steve exclaimed. Freya gave Dustin an awkward wave and smile and took a glance in what he was wearing. Hellfire club? What on earth had that kid gotten himself in this time. Was there a new band or something? Steve and Dustin kept laughing and talking about their summers when Freya saw a glimpse of her brother in distance. Mike was wearing the same shirt. Then it clicked. The nerdy Dungeons and Dragons -club that Mike had been talking about all summer. But seriously, Hellfire Club? Way to try to make it sound cool. "Steve, let's go get our seats while we can", Robin nudged Steve and started walking to their usual table.

All three of them were sitting at the end of a table and listening the usual announcement.

"Old students, welcome back. And freshmen, we are so glad to see you join our school. Let's make this a year to remember!".

"Damn right! A year to remember!", Freya could know that voice in her sleep. The freak.

Freya watched annoyed like everyone else while Eddie "the freak" Munson climbed on a table.

"Let me tell you all. This will be the year of Eddie. I swear this year I'm going to walk that stage with everyone else, get my fricking diploma and FLIP YOU ALL OFF", Eddie announced. He was wearing the same shirt as Dustin and Mike and that's when Freya noticed that Dustin and Mike were sitting in the same table as Eddie. And with some other very strangely looking guys, all wearing the shirts.

"Get off the table Munson! By now you must have learned that it's just not going to happen", Steve shouted next to Freya. She tried to control her laugh but couldn't. Also, she thought that it would be better just to laugh with Steve.

Eddie jumped of the table, turned slowly to face Steve, and lift his middle finger up.

"Suck this Harrington. I mean with that hair you must swing that way", Eddie says while grinning. Freya turned to look at Steve. He stood up from his chair looking like he might kick Eddies ass any moment. The fury in his eyes was crazy and his jaw was clenching.

"Oh wait, is that your girlfriend. That's cute. Nice cover-up.", Eddie continued. That time Freya was furious. She kept thinking that only one year left of this. Only one year left of that freak.

"To be fair with you /freak/, you can only dream of something like this", Freya claimed while staring straight into Eddies eyes. She heard Steve chuckle. That helped. No one really needed any fights, at least that early in the school year. Eddie gave her a weird looking grin and walked sloppily back to his seat. He plopped himself down and continued some empty minded conversation with his so-called club.

"Jesus Christ what a freak. I have no idea why Dustin is hanging out with him. I mean, what a way to lure young people to a club that makes them all freaks. And your brother too. They can kiss popularity goodbye", Steve murmured. "Oh really, you want to start with /luring/ young people to be friends with him. Remind me again, aren't you friends with the same young people?", Freya said chuckling. Steve slightly rose his head and looked at her confused.

"I mean I'm not defending him. I just mean that there are so many more reasons he's a freak. Maybe go with one of those the next time". She felt a disagreement coming and was so glad that the class bell ringed in familiar tone telling everyone to go to their first class.

"Saved by the bell...", Robin whispered under her breath while standing up. "See you by the big tree after class?", she asked but didn't wait for an answer, already walking away.

"I guess we should go also. I have to return my shitty summer project anyway. See you after", Freya stood up and gave Steve a quick kiss on the cheek. As she was turning away, Steve gently grabber her wrist and pulled her in for a proper kiss. The kind of kiss that tells you that he is not mad at you. "See you after", Steve whispered and let Freya go.

Freya had to take a few quicker steps to get to the class. She was lost in the thought of the kiss Steve had given her and was almost late to her first class. Luckily, she made it right when the teacher was about to close the door.

"Miss Wheeler, please take a seat. Quickly". Freya took a quick glance of the classroom and saw a one last seat free. It was next to a quiet looking girl. She had seen her a few times before but didn't know her name. All that she knew was that they ran in totally different circles but that never bothered Freya. She knew to never judge people before you have talked to them.

She sat next to the girl, giving her a gentle smile. No smile back. She shrugged it off and started to dig her books. Biology wasn't her strongest subject, but she still found it interesting. She put her books down on her table and straightened the paper that had her summer project written on. As she was turning her eyes on the board, she heard a slight fake cough behind her.

"Hey Wheeler. Wheeler", she heard a whisper. "Give me a pencil". She felt a hand on her shoulder, slightly shaking her. Normally she didn't like other people touching her so casually but somehow, she didn't want to smack that hand of. It felt kind of... nice? She slightly turned her head to see the hand and when she saw the skull ring she realized.

The freak.

// Hi guys! Hope you liked the first chapter. I'm sorry but I kind of had to go with a fast pace to get it going. I promise next chapters will move a bit more slowly! Also don't worry, most of the scenes will not be happening in the school since it's not really interesting to read about sitting in different classes. I just had to do this to give you the first eddie x freya encounter without steve or the others! //

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