One Wrong Turn On Bourbon

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Mikaelson Compound

Daniel and Freya were sat chatting when a voice was heard. "Sister. Daniel." A voice said. They both looked over and saw Klaus stood there. "The years have been kind to you." Klaus said. They both smiled at him and went up and hugged him. "Well, you know, just sun block, the love of a good woman and literal witchcraft." Freya said. Klaus smiled. "You can't stay. Hope's home." Daniel said. "I have no interest in infecting my daughter with this darkness. Once we've found her mother, I'll crawl back to whence I came. Freya, Daniel, this city reeks of blood like it hasn't since the War of 1812." Klaus said.

"I wasn't alive then." Daniel said. Klaus rolled his eyes, smiling and Daniel smiled, glad he could still make Klaus smile after all these years. "Yeah, well, you're to blame this time. I know you spoke with Elijah and then hours later, it rained red." Freya said. "No story that begins with water turning into blood has ever ended in triumph. I need to leave or things are gonna get worse. Tell me about Hayley." Klaus said. "We've tried every locator spell we know in every language we know and we don't..." Freya said but was cut off by Klaus speeding away.

Just after the left, Hope came rushing in looking around hopeful. "Dad?" Hope asked. Daniel and Freya looked at her sympathetically. Hope looked at them and sighed sadly. "Come on, munchkin." Daniel said. He walked Hope back to her room. "Uncle Daniel?" Hope asked. "Yeah?" Daniel asked as they walked towards her room. "Does my dad still love me?" Hope asked. "Of course he does. Why would think that he doesn't?" Daniel asked. Hope shrugged. "I know for a fact that your dad loves you unconditionally. I know that all he wants is to hug you and be near you. But he wants to keep you safe just as much as those other things." Daniel said.

Hope nodded as they entered her room. Hope climbed back on her bed and Daniel sat next to her. "I know that one day, this will all be solved and you and your dad will reunite." Daniel said. "How do you know that?" Hope asked. Daniel smiled. "I have Hope. Pun not intended." Daniel said and Hope smiled at that. "Now, get some sleep." Daniel said. Hope nodded. "Will Aaron be over tomorrow?" Hope asked. Daniel could detect the hopeful tone in her voice and smiled. "Yeah, he is. Can't be stuck at home all day." Daniel smiled.

Hope smiled. "Okay." She said. Daniel smiled. "Night, munchkin." Daniel said. "Night, Uncle Daniel." Hope said.


Hope had woken up and was getting ready for the day when she heard a voice. "Marshall." A voice said. Hope turned around and saw Roman stood on her balcony. "Uh... Roman. You're at my house." Hope said. "Yeah. I-I needed to talk to you, so, uh..." Roman said. "Oh. Um, how do you know where I live?" Hope asked. "Oh. Well, Saltzman's got parent contacts in his file cabinet. Which is where he keeps his emergency bourbon, so I'm intimately familiar." Roman said. "Oh." Hope said.

"Can I come in?" Roman asked. "Mm-hmm." Hope hummed. "You know I'm a vampire, right?" Roman asked. "Mm-hmm." Hope hummed again. "So I, uh... kind of need you to say it out loud." Roman said. "Oh. Right. Yeah. Come in." Hope said. Roman stepped into her room and looked around before looking at her. "Cute jammies." Roman said. Hope looked down at her clothing embarrassed. "Um, so why do you need to talk to me?" Hope asked.

"Well, you and Aaron." Roman said. "Okay. So why do you need to talk to me and Aaron?" Hope asked. "Yeah. Um... Look, people are saying all this stuff about Henry at school. That he died. And that he killed himself." Roman said. "You know, your friends bullied him all the time. He went through hell." Hope said. "I know. Okay? That's why I'm here. I should pay my respects or something. I let them push him around. Make fun of his poetry, his clothes. And now... I can't sleep." Roman said.

"Henry's not dead. He's fine. Look, I have to get dressed, I have somewhere to be. Could you, like, turn?" Hope asked. "Oh. Yeah." Roman said. "Yeah." Hope said and Roman turned around. Hope started to get changed. "Where are you going? It's barely even dawn." Roman said confused. "It's a long story." Hope said. "Lizzie Saltzman said she saw Henry jump from the turret. A werewolf wouldn't survive that kind of fall." Roman said. "Yeah. Well, Lizzie also said that I exploded an orphanage with my brain when I was eight. You can, uh, look now." Hope said and Roman turned around.

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