We Have Not Long To Love

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Daniel's Loft

Daniel had finished getting dressed for the day when two arms wrapped around his waist. "Do we have to go now?" Mia asked. Daniel smiled. "Yeah. Klaus invited us for breakfast and you know me. I can't say no." Daniel said. Mia nodded. "True." Mia said. She then started to kiss his neck and Daniel had to hold back letting out a groan. "If you keep doing that, then we will be late." Daniel said. Mia shrugged. "Fine by me." Mia said. "Mom! Dad! Let's go!" Aaron shouted. Mia sighed and Daniel kissed her cheek. "We can carry on later." Daniel said. Mia smiled before getting dressed. As soon as Mia was dressed, they both made their way downstairs and saw Aaron on his phone waiting.

"Finally." Aaron said. As he said this, the lights flickered. Daniel looked at Aaron concerned. "Are you alright?" Daniel asked. Aaron nodded. "Yeah. I'm just ready to go eat." Aaron said. Daniel nodded and decided to keep and eye on him. He noticed that Aaron's hair was beginning to get a little curlier at the top and that he was wearing darker clothing.

Later ~ Mikaelson Compound

Klaus, Daniel, Freya, Mia, Hope and Aaron were sat at a table full of food as Klaus spoke. "The curse that plagued our family for seven years has taken its toll on all of us. On our city. On our home. On our family. The consequences of us being together were grave, but today, thanks to you and Aaron, we celebrate a new beginning." Klaus said, looking at Hope. "One in which we have the freedom to stand side by side. And whatever trials may come, we will face them together, as a family. Always and forever." Klaus said. They all smiled at each other before beginning to eat.

"Would you please pass the beignets?" Hope asked. Freya picked up a plate. "Of course." Freya said, handing her the plate. Hope grabbed a beignet and Aaron grabbed on after. "So, Rebekah will be back in a few days. She's just tying up some loose ends overseas." Klaus said to Hope. "It'll be nice to have her here." Hope said. "It'll be good to have all of us under one roof again." Freya said. Just then, Elijah walked in and everyone grew silent. "Good morning. Obviously, there is a lot for us to discuss." Elijah said. He sighed before looking at Hope. "Hope, let me begin by telling you how truly sorry..." Elijah said but couldn't finish his sentence as Hope's fork bent in half.

"Thanks for breakfast, guys, but I have homework to catch up on." Hope said. She then stood up and left the room. "I'll go make sure she's okay." Aaron said. Mia nodded and both her and Daniel watched him leave the room, but not before giving Elijah and slight glare. "That's not normal. She's not normal." Klaus said. "She lost her mother, Niklaus. I shouldn't have come down here." Elijah said. "At least you can claim amnesia, unlike our sister and Emma, who willingly aided children in ruining their lives." Klaus said. "Hope is not a child." Freya said. "And Emma only wanted to do the right thing." Daniel said.

"Did you even consider what absorbing all that magic could do to her?" Klaus asked. "And what choice did I have?" Freya asked. "Deny her. Defy her. We had a plan to keep the dark magic away from her." Klaus said. "A plan that wasn't working." Freya said. "Yes, well, thanks to you, the magic has her now. So, if my daughter should be harmed in any way, shape or form, I will hold you personally responsible." Klaus said. "As long as Aaron can keep her calm, everything should be alright. But just in case, keep and eye out. On both of them. This goes for everyone. Whether they want to or not." Elijah said.

Later ~ Hope's Room

Hope was working on a painting whilst Aaron used some of his paint markers that he brought on the bottom of his skateboard.

Hope was working on a painting whilst Aaron used some of his paint markers that he brought on the bottom of his skateboard

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