Don't It Just Break Your Heart

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Mystic Falls ~ Abandoned Mill

Hope, Daniel and Freya were stood in the middle of the building, with Hope and Daniel in fitness gear. "Okay, let's see what you can do." Freya said. Daniel smirked. "Ready?" Daniel asked. Hope nodded. "Go." Daniel said. They both started to climb up towards the second story balcony. They both reached the top at the same time. They smiled at each other before Hope turned around and stared to jump back down using the crates. Daniel smirked before back flipping off the balcony and landing on his feet next to Freya. "Show off." Hope said. Daniel smiled.

"Okay. Pretty cool, huh? What do you think?" Hope asked, proud of herself. "I think I wish I had core muscles like yours. And Daniel." Freya said. "And that's nothing compared to what I'll be able to do once I trigger my werewolf side." Hope said. "When that happens, you might just be faster than me." Daniel said teasingly. "Yeah. Um... Has your mom ever talked you through turning?" Freya asked. "A little. And I-I have friends. I mean, the whole killing a human part sounds kind of rough, but..." Hope said.

"What about the whole breaking every bone in your body part? You know, when your mom talked to me about it, when she, um, really described it, it sounded worse than almost anything I could imagine. And, honestly, it's... it's not what she wanted for you." Freya said. "Wants. Not what she wants for me." Hope said. "That's what I meant." Freya said.

Later ~ Daniel's Class

Daniel was again teaching his students about Supernatural Mythology. It's always been interesting towards him and he wanted to help the next generation see that the supernatural world doesn't just limit to vampires, werewolves, witches and hybrids. "Okay. Today, you get to decide what I teach you. Choose any folklore or mythology you're interested in. "And, just to let you know, this will all be on the final exam." Daniel added. A student raised their hand. "Yes, Alec." Daniel said. "Chinese Mythology." Alec said.

"Okay. Any specific part?" Daniel asked. Alec shook his head. "Okay. I've got something." Daniel said. He grabbed a book and opened it on a specific page. "Turn to page 98 in your books." Daniel said. Everyone did as he said and looked at the page. "Today, I'll talk about a Huli Jing. Huli jing are Chinese mythological creatures usually capable of shapeshifting, who may either be benevolent or malevolent spirits, among which the nine-tailed fox, jiuweihu. Huli jing are shapeshifters who develop the ability to transform into human form as they age. According to some accounts, the transformation involves a ritual in which the fox places a human skull on its head." Daniel said.

"Are they good or bad?" A student asked. Daniel shrugged. "They can be either. Depends on their personality. Some are kinder than others and some are more dangerous." Daniel said. "Are they Kitsunes?" Another student asked. "It's said that their are no differences between a Huli Jong and a Kitsune. But, that depends on your opinion." Daniel said. The student nodded. "Okay. For the rest of class, research more into a Huli Jing. I expect your research at the end." Daniel said. The students went to collect books and started to research as Daniel started to grade their papers on Egyptian Mythology.

Later ~ Hope's Room

Daniel and Freya were talking to Hope. Hope requested that they use the moonstone to bind her wolf side. "It'll be painful." Daniel said. "I don't care." Hope said. "You could die." Freya said. "Same answer." Hope said. 'Definitely got her stubbornness from her father' Daniel thought. "We're talking about snuffing out a fundamental part of who you are..." Freya said. "Which, as according to you, my mom never wanted me to trigger anyway." Hope said.

"But which she wanted to be your decision." Freya said. "And I'm making it." Hope said. "Not like this, Hope. Listen. I know what it's like to have something taken from you against your will. Okay? For me, it was time. Years and years, cursed to sleep by aunt Dahlia, while the world spun around me. And I am telling you: when you realize everything you've missed, it devastates." Freya said. "You know, if it were just to save my mom, I'd want to do it. Or it could be the fact that... I'm partially responsible for her being taken. Or that I'm not even sure I even want this freakish side of myself. But it's all those things. So, please, aunt Freya, get whatever supplies that you need, because you, uncle Daniel and I are doing this." Hope said.

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