What, Will, I, Have, Left

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Hope, Aaron and Roman were sat in Roman's car. Hope and Roman were talking whilst Aaron was asleep in the back. "Okay, I knew your hair had emo tendencies, but your music?" Hope asked. "Shade thrown and caught. Give me that." Roman said, taking the phone in her hand. "Quit judging and lean in." Roman said. "No, I'll do it. My mom would kill us if she knew that we were taking selfies and driving. Though compared to binding my werewolf side, I'd just say it's a misdemeanor." Hope said. "You nervous?" Roman asked.

"My aunt Freya basically said that I'd regret it for the rest of my life. And from what I've read in my dad's journals, it's horrible. So, you know, actually kind of terrified." Hope said. "Well, you said you feel like a freak. I don't know, maybe this will help." Roman said. "Still, it's... it's strange cutting out a part of yourself that you barely even know." Hope said. "So you won't miss it. Anyway, you'll still be you." Roman said. "You can't be yourself until you know every part of you. The best and the worst." Aaron said in the back. He'd woken up a few minutes ago.

"Doesn't matter, 'cause I'm doing it." Hope said. "Then, I've got your back." Aaron said. Hope smiled at him. "You know, your mom should be proud of you." Roman said. Hope then started to get a weird feeling. "That's weird. I think someone may be tracking me. Pull over. I-I need to be somewhere quiet." Hope said. Roman pulled over and Hope got out the car, Aaron following after her. Roman pulled out his phone and called someone.

"Hey. Hey, I-I have Hope and a witch on call to do the binding. What's next?" Roman said. "Take her to Shiloh Place and sit tight." Greta said on the other end. "Mom, can't it be somewhere else? Like, anywhere else." Roman said. "Do as you're told. Go there now and wait to hear from me. You've done very well, my darling. I'm proud of you." Greta said. "But there's a complication." Roman said. "What is it?" Greta asked. "Aaron Salvatore is also here." Roman said. He heard Greta sigh on the other end. "Deal with him when you get there." Greta said. "Ok." Roman said before hanging up.

Roman then walked over to Hope and Aaron. "Someone's definitely tracking us. I can cloak us, but... there's something else we got to do on the way." Hope said. Roman nodded. The three got back in the car and drove away.

Morning ~ Shiloh Place

Roman pulled up to the place he was told to go and Hope and Aaron climbed out of the car and looked at the building. "Well, your witch really goes for atmosphere." Aaron said. "She's not my witch. She's just a witch I know." Roman said. "Not your witch. Got it. Are you okay?" Hope said. "Look, Hope. You know I like you, right?" Roman asked. "Well, I didn't think you drove me all this way 'cause you hated me." Hope said. "It's just... there's gonna be some things I have to explain." Roman said. "Look, sorry, but the only thing worse than doing this is waiting to do this." Hope said.

She went to open the door but Roman stopped her. "Stop! It's spelled." Roman said. Roman knocks over a specifically structure pile of rock. "You can go in." Roman said. Hope and Aaron walked in and were shocked at what they saw. Hayley was tied up. "Mom?" Hope asked. Hayley looked over at them. "Hope. Aaron." Hayley said. "What is this?" Aaron asked. Hayley looked behind them and saw Roman. "You." Hayley said, the rage clear in her voice. Hope looked at Roman. "I'm so sorry." Roman said. "What's going on?" Aaron asked.

"He's the one that led them to me in the church attic." Hayley said. "But how did you know where she was? You got inside my head. The first day you touched me. When you tucked my hair behind my ear. You were really just trying to figure out where my mom was hidden." Hope said. "Hope, look, I know this looks bad, okay? But if you just do the binding spell..." Roman said. "Binding spell? What's he talking about?" Hayley asked. Hope looked over at her. "Greta said that if I-I did the binding spell, then they'd let you live." Hope said.

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