Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

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Salvatore Boarding School

Freya was walking towards Hope's room on the phone with Vincent while dragging a half awake Aaron with her. "Your brother has got a very interesting approach to motivational speaking." Vincent said on the other end. "Look, I know there's no love between you two, but as insane as he seems, Klaus's tactics always work. Just ride out his bad mood as best as you can." Freya said. "Yeah, if he keeps messing with me, I'm gonna show him a bad mood. Tell me, did you make contact?" Vincent said. "Make contact? We talking about my niece or a secret agent?" Freya asked.

"Freya. I know that this is hard for you to hear, but Ivy's cards predicted that your niece might, in fact, be the devil in disguise, so you cannot be soft on her." Vincent said. "She's 15. Her future isn't written in stone. That's why I'm here. To make sure of it." Freya said. "Good luck." Vincent said. "You, too." Freya said before hanging up. "Come on." Freya said. "I just wanna sleep." Aaron said. "Too bad." Freya said. They made it to Hope's room and Freya knocked on the door. A few moments later, Hope opened the door and saw the two stood there. She took of her headphones.

"W-What happened?" Hope asked. "Uh, oh, no, nothing. Uh, no, your... your father has search parties scouring every inch of the city. We'll find her." Freya said. "I just... When I saw you, I thought that she... yeah. So, wait, if she's still missing, then why are you here?" Hope asked. "Care package. Thought you could use a taste of home." Frey said, holding up a bag of beignets. "And I've come to sleep since she dragged me out of bed." Aaron said. Hope rolled her eyes and moved out of the way. "Thank you." Aaron mumbled, walking past her and throwing himself of the bed.

"So you drove all this way to bring me beignets?" Hope asked rhetorically. "You know, I figured with everything going on, you could use a friend." Freya said. "Hello? I'm right here." Aaron said in a muffled voice as his face was stuffed in the pillow. "Thanks, but I'm really fine." Hope said. "Mm-hmm. You know, I could be wrong, but, um, I think this is the part where you invite me in." Freya said. "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." Hope said letting her in. Freya looked down at the different books on the floor. "Locator spells in ancient languages? Thought you weren't allowed to do magic outside of the classroom." Freya said.

Hope rushed over and started closing the books and picking them up. "Catch-up reading. I'm trying to make up for being suspended." Hope said. "And Aaron?" Freya asked. Hope looked over at the sleeping boy. "His aunt is one of the headmasters. He got off easy. And by that, I mean he has to help around school." Hope said. "Mm-hmm." Freya hummed. "Keep my grades up. I got to get back to work, aunt Freya." Hope said. Freya walked over and sat down next to Aaron. "Sure. Sure, I mean, I could just leave after an excruciating 11-hour drive to see my only niece. Or... we could get comfy, stuff our faces with deep-fried glory, and you could tell me about that cute boy you had hidden in your room last week." Freya said.

Aaron then groaned. "What?" Freya asked. "I've got soccer practice." Aaron said. He then got up off the bed and slowly walked to the door. "See you later." Aaron said, leaving the room. Freya saw Hope keeping her eyes on the door. "Let's forget about that cute boy you had hidden. Let's talk about how you have a crush on Aaron." Freya said. Hope looked over at her aunt shocked. "No I don't." Hope said, avoiding eye contact. "Sure." Freya said sarcastically.

Later ~ Sports Field

Students are playing a game of shirts and skins soccer. A witch student uses his telekinesis to hold the ball in midair, though Roman head butts it into the goal. "So, which one is he?" Freya asked as they walked. Hope looked at Roman. "The one that sweats diamond dust." Hope said. Roman, shirtless, waves hi to Hope. She's embarrassed and doesn't wave back. "Oh, God. Keep-keep walking." Hope said, looking away. "Wait, you're not gonna wave back?" Freya asked. "No, pretty sure, uh, his ego can handle it." Hope said.

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