There in the Disappearing Light

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Mikaelson Compound

There was one thing that Hope felt. Anger. And who better to take it out on than an un-killable hybrid. So, she used her magic to throw Klaus around the courtyard. "Do it again. Harder this time. All of that pain, that simmering darkness. You need to purge it before it eats you alive." Klaus said. "Dad!" Hope exclaimed. "Give me your anger, Hope!" Klaus shouted. Hope turned to him and screamed, throwing him to the other side of the room. Hope sighed. "It's not working." Hope said.

"You're holding back." Klaus said, walking towards her. "You really think I want to feel this way? No matter how hard I try to get it out, I don't feel any better. You're not the one I want to hurt." Hope said. "Give me a name." Klaus said. "Roman." A voice said. They looked over and saw Aaron stood there. Hope nodded. "His name is Roman." Hope said. Klaus sped away. Aaron looked at the mess made. "I'm guessing therapy wasn't an option?" Aaron asked sarcastically.

Hope gave him a look. "Sorry. I'm becoming more
Sarcastic as we speak." Aaron said. "What are you doing here?" Hope asked. "I've got news." Aaron said. "Good or bad?" Hope asked. "Depends how you see it. To me, it's good news." Aaron said. Hope nodded. "My dad knew about what happened at Rousseau's and we talked earlier. And he told me something." Aaron said. "What is it?" Hope asked curious. Aaron sighed. "My Grim Reaper side is starting to appear." Aaron said.

Hope looked at him shocked. "What?" Hope asked. Aaron nodded. "Yeah. We think that after I put Ahanu into me, it's somehow sped up the process of my Grim Reaper showing itself." Aaron said. Hope just stood there and Aaron began to grow nervous. Suddenly, Hope ran towards him and hugged him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Aaron staggered back a bit but recovered and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I'm happy for you." Hope said. Aaron smiled. "Thanks." Aaron said.

Roman's Hideout

Roman was sat on his bed, messing about with a lighter. He looked over at the two guards standing by the door. "I know my sister told you guys to watch me, but this is getting kind of creepy, don't you think?" Roman asked and got no response. "So, what? Hmm? What, am I supposed to spend all eternity holed up in this stupid room?" Roman asked. Again, no response. "Will you guys just say something?" Roman asked annoyed. Just then, Klaus killed the guards. Roman looked at Klaus scared.

"Get it over with." Roman said. Klaus scared. "Oh, I'm reserving that honor for someone I love very much." Klaus said and snapped his neck.

The Next Day ~ Mikaelson Compound, Underground

Roman was chained up by his wrists and was hanging from the ceiling but still planted on the ground. He was awake and was looking at Klaus scared. "Have you decided how you're going to kill him?" Klaus asked. "Slowly." A voice said. "Hope?" Roman asked. He looked over his shoulder and saw her stood in the shadows. "Hope! Hey." Roman said, slightly happy.

"I want to do this alone." Hope said. Roman's face fell. "What?" Roman asked. "This is supposed to help me feel better, right?" Hope asked. Roman looked over at Klaus. "What's wrong with her?" Roman asked. "She has an affliction, for which your pain is a momentary comfort." Klaus said. "My pain?" Roman asked shocked. "Mm-hmm. But I don't want an audience." Hope said. "Hope." Klaus said. "If you want to help me, go." Hope said.

"Well, I was rather hoping to be part of the show. Well, consider starting small, then. Fingernails, or-or perhaps the tongue. Build the suspense." Klaus said before leaving. "Hey hey, wait. You're not actually gonna leave me with her, are you? Hey!" Roman called out before looking at Hope, a little scared. "Don't worry." A voice said. Roman looked over quickly and saw Aaron stood there. Roman noticed that they were both wearing dark colours. "It won't just be her down here." Aaron said.

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