Chapter 23- Ball Gown

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Dear (Yn),

Wow...I honestly don't even know where to begin.
Yesterday, we encountered the great tree, which is an place of ancient magic.
You remember the healing incantation, right? Well, while we were inside, we discovered a new incantation: the decay incantation. It's extremely powerful. When recited, it can destroy anything and everything in its path.
It may even be powerful enough to free Quirin.
I still can't figure out how to control it, and that caused me to wither Cassandra's arm by accident. I feel horrible about it. This trip has really taken a toll on our relationship. I just hope I can fix it.



Bright green fireworks shoot into the sky as Varian finishes his show. I stand up and applaud, a big smile on my face. "Varian, that was incredible!"

The alchemist sheepishly scratches the back of his neck. "Really? Y-You think so?"

"Of course!! If you shoot off those fireworks during the party, there's no way that people wouldn't believe that you're starting to change!" I happily say.

"I hope you're right, (Yn)." Varian sneaks the couple of vials I gave him into his apron. "If this goes wrong I might end up trapped in the dungeons for the rest of my life."

I put my hands on Varian's shoulders. "Don't worry, Var. You're the best alchemist that I know!"

"I'm the only alchemist you kno-"

I quickly shush him. "That's not the point. The point is that you're amazing!"

The slightest bit of red forms on Varian's cheeks. "T-Thanks."

Our sweet moment is interrupted when the doors to the throne room open, and the king followed by Stan and Pete enter. Varian quickly picks up his mop, and hurriedly rubs it against the floor, as though he was mopping the whole time.

I smooth out my dress as my father comes closer.

"Hi, dad." I softly say.

Dad smiles at me. "(Yn), the Royal seamstress has come for a fitting."

"'A fitting?'" I ask.

"For your ballgown." Dad chuckles a bit. "You must look your very best for your birthday."

I look over to Varian. He was staring at the floor, avoiding eye contact with the king. I couldn't tell if he wasn't looking at my dad because he felt ashamed, or because he was still upset with him. My mind concluded that it was probably a little bit of both.

I nod. "Alright. What about Varian?"

Dad briefly glances at Varian and looks away. "Oh...right." He sighs. "Pete and Stan will be escorting him back into his cell."

"That isn't necessary. I can just walk him back." I say. I knew that Varian didn't enjoy constantly being watched by guards. Plus, I still wanted to talk to him about the ball.

Dad shakes his head. "There isn't time for that. It is important for a princess to be punctual, not late."

I let out a soft grumble, knowing that trying to convince the king otherwise would be useless. As dad leads me out of the room, I look back over my shoulder at my friend. I give Varian a small wave, and he returns it.

:-:Two Weeks Later:-:

I suck in a breath as one of the maids tightens my corset. Despite my best efforts, I let out a small yelp each time she pulls it tighter. It was times like these when I really missed Cassandra. She always helped me get ready for formal events, and since she hated wearing corsets herself, she never forced me to wear one if I didn't want to. But since Cass wasn't here, I was stuck with a different maid to help me get ready.

By the time the maid had finished squeezing all of the air flow out of me, I couldn't even breath a sigh of relief to be done putting the corset on. As the maid walks to my wardrobe to fetch my gown, I quickly scurried over to my vanity and picked up a small pair of sewing scissors. When I was sure she wasn't looking, I cut one of the strings that held the corset in place in half, releasing the tight pressure from my body. I take in a generously deep breath as the strings unravel and smile to myself. It feels good to breathe again...

The maid slides the gown over my head and buttons up the back. The gown was one of the nicest pieces of clothing I had ever worn, which was saying a lot considering my social status.
The gown was a light shade of (fc), with white lace ruffles. The golden embroidery on the trim brought out the gold streak running through my hair. I was wearing golden shoes, jewelry, and a tiara to match.

I twirl in front of the mirror, admiring the gorgeous dress.

The maid smiles, her brown eyes sparkling. "You look lovely, your highness."

"Thank you." I return. "And thank you for all of your help. I really appreciate it." I quickly add.

There's a knock on the door. The maid curtsy's as the queen enters my bedroom. Mom brightly smiles when she sees me. "Oh, look beautiful."

I beam as she embraces me. "Thanks, mom."

"You've grown up so fast..." I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was fighting to hold back tears. "(Yn), you are growing into a stunning young woman; on the inside...and the outside."

"Thanks mom."

As our hug ends, mom placed her hands on my shoulders. "Are you ready?"

Those three words made my blood run cold.

Ready as I'll ever be.

My mind is instantly drawn back to Old Corona. The memories of the battle, my family in danger, and losing Varian flood my brain. I almost lost everything that night. I feel myself being pulled down the slippery slope of doubt. What if Varian was right? What if the people in Corona never move on? What if my parents never move on?

I quickly shake my head. I couldn't think things like that now. This night might be my only chance.

Varian's only chance.

If I ever want things to go back to normal, I'll need to make sure this night is flawless.

I look back at my mom. "Let's do this."

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