Jaden x Reader

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"No, I will win, Jaden Yuki!" I giggled, pushing shoulders with the playful boy. 

"Oooooh, you are so on, (Y/N)!" He replied, turning his head to nuzzle my neck before turning his attention back to the screen. 

We were playing video games and he had won the past like three times. I wanted to win without him going easy on me, and I planned to do just that. 

My fingers ached a bit, but I was too focused on winning the game that I didn't see Jaden's avatar come up behind me. 

At the last second, he sped ahead, winning the game for the fourth time in a row. 

"Ugh!" I threw the controller on the couch, laying back and throwing my arm over my eyes. "I quit." 

He chuckled and kissed my arm before taking my hands in his. "It's okay, (N/N). Hey, why don't we go grab some food?" He got up, pulling me with him. 

He threw me his grey jacket before putting his shoes on. We walked hand in hand down the hallway to the cafeteria. I could recognize the smell of fresh seafood and an array of spices. 

"Ooooh! Look, (N/N)! They have shrimp!" Jaden bolted, letting go of my hand before I ran into the wall. 

I chuckled and shook my head, watching my boyfriend wave at me from the line. I waved back before deciding what I wanted for lunch. 

I met up with Jaden at the drink station, a small bottle of juice in my hand. I also had chosen (Y/F/F) for lunch. He linked arms with me as we walked back to his dorm. 

We ate in silence, staring glances at each other. 

"Do, do, do..." Jaden hummed, playing with his shrimp. 

I shook my head. "No, please don't. Just eat. You can do that another time." I scolded, narrowing my eyes. "Besides, they'll end up cold if you keep playing with your food." 

Jaden's mouth fell into an "O" shape and he nodded, eating it like I told him to. 

We cleaned up our space on the floor in front of the TV. He sat down on the couch, patting the space next to him. "Sit, (N/N)." 

I sat down next to him, nuzzling his chest. He pulled me closer, hugging me tight. I swung my leg over him, sitting on his lap. 

He chuckled and played with my (Y/H/C) hair. I gazed into his chocolate brown eyes, him staring back into my (Y/E/C) ones. 

"I love you, (N/N)." He pecked my lips. 

"I love you too, Jaden." I kissed him back before resting my head on his shoulder. 

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