Chapter 1 - Call

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As I was sat outside on the garden with my step mother I felt my phone vibrate in my shorts pocket so I pulled it out and looked at the screen before showing my step mother my phone "it's dad," I said before answering the call, it was a FaceTime c...

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As I was sat outside on the garden with my step mother I felt my phone vibrate in my shorts pocket so I pulled it out and looked at the screen before showing my step mother my phone "it's dad," I said before answering the call, it was a FaceTime call "hey dad, what's up." i asked because he didn't look happy "I've just had to fire a stew half of way through the charter and I'm down a stew" dad said, I could tell that he was trying to secretly ask me to come to Phuket, Thailand.

"I'll get the next flight out" I said which made him smile "Thankyou so much honey" I said before passing my phone to my step mom "where you going?" Mary Anne asked "going to pack" i said before running inside and heading to my room which was also the guest bedroom packaging everything into the suitcase because I wanted to get everything packed as quickly as possible and get out to Thailand because even though my dad acts as if he is as tough as balls I could tell he was loosing his shit right now. And if I didn't get out there quickly he would be short staffed.

As I was packaging I heard my step mother approach and stood in the door way "your dads paid for your flight, and I've booked you a cab the flight is in four hours so you should be fine" Mary Anne said with a sad look on her face "I'm gonna miss you though" Mary Anne said so I dropped what I was doing and ran over to her and hugged her because I felt the same, for the first time in my life I felt complete because I had my mother who had never abandoned me and looked after me through thick and thin, an amazing adoptive father and step mother.

"I'm gonna miss you too, my trip has been cut short you'll have to blame dad for that one" i said as we both laughed before she left and I continued packing and double checking to make sure I had everything before I grabbed my bags and headed out to the living room as Mary Anne passed me my plane ticket "I can't believe I'm heading to Thailand mid charter" I said "but it shows what type of stew you are if dad asks you first to come out" Mary said with a smile which made me smile.

Before I grabbed my bags as I heard the cab outside as we walked outside I put my bags into the cab before giving Mary Anne a last hug before getting into the cab as I sat down I grabbed my phone before putting my earphones and putting on some music because I was little stressed an hour ago I was sat outside enjoying a glass of rosé and now I was heading to the airport to start a charter that was mid way through already.

As I arrived at the airport I grabbed my bags before heading inside and checking in as I did I texted my dad "just checked in will be with you as soon as possible" my texted ended "Thankyou honey honestly you've saved my ass 😂" my dad replied. Before I headed to grab some food because the flight was going to be 17 hours so, I also grabbed myself a neck pillow and a sleep mask because if I was going to be thrown straight into a charter then I need to sleep on the plane.

Because I'll be the first to admit that I'm very grumpy when I've not had much sleep and I didn't want to loose my tempter with anyone on the first day. After sitting there and watching a tv series on my phone I looked up to the screen to see that my flight gates had opened I grabbed my bags and headed to the gate before getting on the plane and finding my seat before I sat down.

"I hopefully should be there by about 5pm tomorrow, how are you though you seemed kinda pissed on the phone earlier" I texted because was worried about my dad because he was in the hospital on the first day on the charter because he slipped in the shower and damaged his ribs "I'm sick of staff who can't do there jobs you know I'm not the type of person to coddle crew" dad replied "yeah I know but please don't stress yourself out pop because your not the youngest guy" I said "you calling me old 👴" Dad replied "nooo" I said as he replied with a 😂.

I fell asleep mid flight and was woken up by everyone getting up and leaving so I packed up all my belongings before heading out of the plane and going to collect my bag before heading out of the airport where a cab was waiting to take me to the dock as the cab pulled up to the dock i grabbed my suitcase before walking down the dock I saw someone of the boat looking towards me and I realised it was my dad so when I reached the boat I took off my shoes before carrying my case onto the boat "dad" I said as I put my case down before hugging as I heard my dad happily chuckle "thank god you're here" dad said with a smile on his faces

"Let's go in and find the Chief stew " Dad says as I walk in following him Kate had worked with my dad for a long time and I worked a few Charter seasons with Kate so to find out she wasn't Chief stew on this Charter disappointed me because she became my sister while working on yatchs.
End Of Chapter 1

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