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The long 7,000,000 years of human history is coming to an end. What is the cause you maybe wondering, an ancient weapon? Asteroid collision? World ending plague? Or possibly an alien invasion?'d be DEAD WRONG! Mankind is being threatened to total annihilation, by none other then the will of the "Gods". The same beings that created them.

The Gods were deciding the fate of humanity with judgment in the council of Valhalla: Parliament Building. Outside the of said meeting, stood a young girl and woman, watching the Gods decide.



???: I-its about to start, sister.... (Valkyrie 13 sisters: Youngest sister, Geir)

???: ..... (Valkyrie 13 sisters: Eldest sister, Brunhild)

In the huge room we're all the Gods, in a fine throne was an elderly man dressed in a toga and next to him was a large reptile that hadn't been seen since the extinction of the dinasaurs.

???: Well then, everyone. It's been 1000 years since the last time we gathered here. Let us begin the conference, shall we?
Said Zeus, King of the Greek Gods. (The Chairmen of Council of Valhalla)

After a bit of discussion the Gods at first wanted humanities extinction only for Brunhild to stop and suggest a different way a way for humanity to earn the right to live. After a bit of arguing and taunting the showdown between Gods and Mankind, "RAGNAROK" was decided.

Currently, geir and Brunhild were walking down the hall, thinking over what just happened. Brunhild had a calm look on her fsce while geir looked as if she wanted to throw up and fell onto her knees.

Brunhild: What's wrong geir?
She asked calmly.

Geir: I can't stand anymore big sis...
She whined.

Geir: Why did you do that!? Why did you object against the Will of the Gods and make them angry!? Your just asking to be killed!

Brunhild: Geir...your an apprentice Valkyrie, so you might understand this yet...but the bond between Mankind and us Valkyrie...are much more deeper than those of the Gods....I can't just...abandon them.
She said softly to geir.

Geir: Big sis....
She said in awe at her big sister putting her life on the line for Mankind's survival.

???: She's right you know.

The sisters looked turned around to see a stanger only for the eldest to have her eyes widen in shock at who was standing before them.

The sisters looked turned around to see a stanger only for the eldest to have her eyes widen in shock at who was standing before them

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A/N: Imagine the sword is on his back.

???: Hello Brunhild, it's been a while hasn't it? ( Zeppilee Hunter, First and only God of the Night Sentinels.)

Brunhild having her eyes prickling with tears of joy ran towards the God and embraced him. While he did the same he spun her around in joy. While geir was looking at them both in confusion.

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