Family Pt 4. A Clash of Fists

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The chapter starts with a view of the Valkyries and God.

Hunter: Ohhh, shit....

Geir: Oh shit, why oh shit!? What even happened to Zeus!?

Brunhild: This form....will Adom even stand a chance?

Hunter: He'll beat him. I know he will.

Brunhild and Geir looked at him with both shock and confusion.

Hunter: Just trust me. For what you'll be seeing will possibly be the greatest clash that both God and Mortal will ever see.

Adom stared at him until he sighed....

Adom: Guess it can't be helped....(Rangleif, are you ready for this? There is a chance you'll be destroyed.)

Rangleif: (It's alright. My sisters will be gravely upset but they'll understand.)

Adom: (Alright then....) Let's finish this Zeus!!

A bright light of mixed colors like a rainbow shot out of Adom and into the sky. Until said light died down, revealing Adom in his true form.

 Until said light died down, revealing Adom in his true form

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Humanity was in awe at his own form. Like as if they felt a sense of comfort and safety coming from his body. While the gods started to sweat and shake a bit. As if getting close to him would be last thing they ever do. Tiamat was one of the first out of others who has seen Adom use his true form.

Even his brothers and sister were baffled by what they were witnessing.

But what shocked them the most was that his gauntlet, instead of it being was a bright golden yellow with red gems. But there was steam coming off of it, like the gauntlet itself was heating up. Electricity of different colors arched around the gauntlet itself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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