Thelonias Horsen: "Big Brother of The Sentinels"

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Deep within the librsry of the Sentinel Pantheon belonging to one Hunter Zeppilee, lies a single book on a pedestal, this book was none other than the Book of Sentinels. An ancient artifact of Sentinel Prime who listed all the names of the greatest warriors of Sentinel Prime. Along with their stories.

This particular story within the book tells a tale of one of the fighters of humanity.....Thelonias Horsen.

Thelonias was born naturally gifted with superhuman strength. Many of the citizens and children were afraid of him do to his monstrous strength so he grew up a bit sad and lonely. Until one day......

The scene shows an almost 10 year old Thelonias sitting down next to his mother looking down at the ground sad.

His mother looked at him with great worry. Seeing as hardly any other children hisnage never wanted to play with him due to his supernatural strength.

Mother: Sweety whats wrong?

Thelonias: It's just I don't know why the other kids think that I'll hurt them. Even their parents look at me like I'm a monster. Why was I given this strength if I'll just hurt others with it even if I don't mean to?

He said as he started to tear up and cry until a hand gently cupped his cheek and wipes his tears away. He looked to see that it was his mother who had a gentle smile on her face.

Mother: Do you want to know the reason why you were born with such strength?

Thelonias: Why?

Mother: So you can use that strength to protect and help others who need it. Like a sibling willing to help the younger ones from others wanting to cause them harm.

Thelonias: Like a sibling? But their not related to me at all. How can they be my sibling?
He said tilting his head.

His mother giggled at her sons gullible nature.

Mother: You don't have to have the same blood in a family to be siblings. All you have to have is the bond that builds the sibling relationship.

Thelonias looked at his mother wide eyed with realization of what he had to do. He hugged his mother and ran put the house in a hurry past his father who just walked in.

He walked over to his wife who had a smile on her face.

Father: Why is he so happy?

Mother: All I did was give him a way to make friends.

The father smiled at his wife's idea.

From that day onward Thelonias would run around helping everyone in his home town. Whether it was lifting something heavy. Keeping bullies away from the other children. Or even cleaning up the inside of shops nearby.

Over time the people started to grow fond of the boy. Some of the younger children went to go as far as to call him Big Brother Thelonias. At first it was just a joke for the adults but as time went on, he stayed true to the title.

As he grew older he would use a pole axe as his main choice of weaponry do to him being taller than almost everyone else. And it felt right to him.

Then when he was asked what he wanted to do he decided to be a prison gaurd. It confused his parents greatly but they supported his decision.

As he became a prison gaurd they would try to scare him but due to him being as strong as he was no one dared fight him. Especially after defeating the strongest prisoner with a single blow to the head.

When prisoners would go after or bully others. He would step in and stop it. Then years later Thelonias was friends with the prison itself. As he was the only gaurd who would treat them with respect as they did to him.

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