Family Pt 2: The Living Chimera

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The chapter starts with Zeus and Adom staring at eachother. Ready to start the second round of Ragnarok.

Zeus: Alrighty then, let's start this fight....
He said as he hopped an his feet until he dashed right infront of him ready to throw a punch.

Zeus: With this!!

He sent a straight jab only for Adom to dodge it. Almost looking lazily.


Zeus: Oh, so your a fast one eh? Well let's see if you can dodge this!!

He said to Adom as he used one of his own Techniques, "METEOR JAB". Sending a large barrage of constant jabs but yet again Adom just dodged them all.

Zeus: Don't think thisnis over yet. How would you like to be cleaved into two!

He said as he used another one of his techniques, a kick that was said to cleave a normal person in two. This attack was called, "DIVINE AXE".

But Adom merely lept over the devastating kick.

Zeus: Ohhh?~

With the Valkyries and God the sisters looked at him with a bit of shock. Especially Geir, as she wasn't expecting someone to be able to dodge Zeus's attacks so easily.

Brunhild looked over to see Hunter with his mouth covered but she could feel the evil smirk playing his face.

Brunhild: (I don't know what you're up to Hunter, but I'm loving it.)

With the gods the gods looked at Adom with a bit of surprise. As he was able to dodge all of Zeus's onslaught of attacks so nonchalantly.

Aphrodite: Well this is very surprising, but yet those abs~ I only hope that he's willing tofight me in bed~

Hermes looked at the fight as he heard a new voice.

???: So father is going in the second round?

Hermes: It would seem so Ares.

Ares: Hmph, I don't know why they are getting all excited for. Just because someone can dodge fathers attacks doesn't mean he'll be easy to beat.

Hermes: True, but if you truly knew how powerful the Nephilim could be than your in for a surprise.

Ares: So your rooting for our fathers enemy?
He said sending a glare at his brother.

Hermes: Now who said that?
He said sending his own glare.

Many could see the tension surrounding them. But then the duo looked back at the fight as if nothing happened between them.

Ares: I guess your right. But still I hold high hopes for father. After all he isn't called the God Father of The Cosmos for show.

Down in the arena Zeus was staring at Adom with a bit of amaze in his eyes. He has met many foes who were able to dodge a few of his blows. But the fact that Adom dodged all of them and not even a scratch appeared on him is what amazed him.

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