*Chapter 6*

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Mark POV 

As we were walking outside, I had millions of questions on my mind. Who are these people and what did they want with me? I looked at the women beside me and asked... 

"Who are you guys and how do you know me?" I was pretty frightened with what was going on. I mean one minutes I'm in the middle of class and the next some women and three tall and very buff guys come in asking for me. 

"Mark, I promise I will explain everything on the way, but we can't do it here." We made it outside where there was a limo waiting for us. One of the men opened the door for me gesturing for me to get in. I took a step back because he was really scary looking. 

The woman then put her hand on my shoulder. 

"Mark, it's okay, we're not going to hurt you." I nodded and climbed into the car taking a seat on the left while she was on the right. I ran my hands over the leather exterior, and it was pretty amazing. I've never been in a limo before. 

 I kept my head down and played with the hem of my skirt while we were driving. 

"I didn't do anything wrong did I?" I asked her. I was a bit startled when she let out a laugh it was so unexpected. 

"Mark, you're not in trouble." I let out a sigh of relief knowing I wasn't in trouble even though I've never gotten in trouble in my life. 

"So, then what do you want with me?" 

"Before I get into that, I wanted to properly introduce myself." She held her hand out to me. "My names Lia." I shyly shook her hand. 

"Nice to meet you, Lia." 

She then looked at me trying to find the right words. 

"I wanted to ask; do you believe in having a past life or reincarnation?" 

"Of course, sometimes I feel like... like I use to be someone else." 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, for the past couple months I've been having these weird dreams and past memories like I've experienced them before, but I'm still not understanding what do these questions have to do with me." 

I noticed Lia had taken a deep breath almost as if she was about to tell me something crazy. 

"Mark, you may not believe what I'm about to tell you, but we believe you are the reincarnation of the king's lover, who also happens to be a vampire." 

I really couldn't even believe or even understand what I was hearing. 

"Are you actually telling me that I'm the reincarnation of the king's lover from almost 200 years ago. 

Lia nodded her head. 

"It would appear so." 

At that moment I didn't know what to say, it's like nothing feels real anymore. 

I played with my skirt again something I tend to do when I get nervous. 

"So, does that mean I'm going to see the king?" She nodded her head. 

"Yep, and we're taking you to see him tonight." After hearing that I became even more nervous. I'm going to meet the king. Me! What if he pushes me away? 

"What if he doesn't even want to see me." 

She let out a giggle. 

"Oh, he will Mark, trust me, but for now just try to relax, it's going to be a while." 

I nodded my head and sank back into my seat, and I could feel my eyes getting heavier and it wasn't long before I fell asleep. 

Authors Note 

another chapter out and I'm so sleepy. 

hope you guys like it. 

until then ✌🏾

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