🌺A Wayward Lapis Returns💎

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Rose Pink Diamond sighs softly as her pearls stood beside her throne within her palace, she looked through a holo screen of pictures from happier times. White, Yellow, Blue, and her mother, Pink hugging her close. Playing in the Garden with Spinel and mother, going to the human zoo watching the human species with wonder.

Lavender Pearl: He looks up at his diamond before nudging Light Pink Pearl shoulder to motion Rose pink and Hot pink pearl to cheer their diamond up. "My princess, would you like us to cheer you up?" He asked while giving the diamond a salute.

The young diamond looked over at Lavender Pearl and smiled at him before gently ruffling his hair with her forefinger as she nodded. The quartet of pearls moved in front of their diamond and began dancing together with fans, ribbon wands, swords and rings as the diamond laughs happily while clapping.

Rose Pink Diamond: "Bravo, bravo my pearls." She said as she smiled down at them til a chime rang out throughout her palace and a knock was heard from the door. She sat back straight against her throne as Lavender stood beside her then Light Pink a few steps down by him on the right of the throne. Rose pink Pearl took the top left and Hot Pink took the lower left. "Enter." She said while a famaliar gem entered her room. "Jasper, whatever is the matter of interrupting my free time?" She asked in a siren yet regal voice.

Jasper: She gives her diamond a salute and then bowed down. "Apologies for interrupting, my diamond but you are needed in the throne room by Yellow and Blue diamond. I'm to escort you and your pearls there." She said as the young diamond stood up from her throne and held her arms out while her pearls climbed onto her shoulders before they walked out of the room.

The Thrones of the Diamond Authority

Rose Pink Diamond let her pearls down gently onto the floor and looked at the door

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Rose Pink Diamond let her pearls down gently onto the floor and looked at the door. "LP, kindly get the door." She said as the male Pearl bowed elegantly to her opening up the door while the others entered the room first.

Lavender, Rose Pink, and Hot Pink: "Presenting her flawless, her sweet, her radiance... Our Diamond Princess, Rose Pink Diamond!" They introduced and bowed lightly as their diamond walked into the room with Jasper behind her while Light Pink Pearl stood beside Lavender Pearl now and they all followed after their diamond as she sat down on her throne, well really her mother's former throne.

Rose Pink Diamond: "Aunt Yellow, Aunt Blue what is the reason for this urgency?" She questioned while her pearls took their placements beside her throne.

Blue: "A Lapis Lazuli has returned home, little princess." She said while smiling sadly to see her niece and the little bit of Pink within her.

Yellow: "Hardly needing us for this, Blue. Why are we even here?" She asked while Blue looked over at Yellow.

Blue: "This Lapis Lazuli is from Earth." She said which caught Yellow's and Rose Pink's attention instantly. "Bring her in." She said to Jasper whom bowed slightly then left the room.

Rose Pink: "Earth? Are you sure?" She asked curiously til Jasper returns with the Lapis Lazuli by the arm. "Jasper, release her and let me see her." She ordered as the Quartz released the gem whom quickly saluted the diamonds. "Lapis Lazuli, come to me." She said while lowering her hand onto the floor as the gem climbed onto her palm. "What's on Earth, my little gem? Why were you there?" She questioned while Lapis Lazuli told her what happened to her and how she got home then the other gems there. "Other gems, hmmm. Jasper, you are to escort this Lapis Lazuli and Yellow..." She was saying before looking up at Yellow for permission. "May I borrow one of your peridots for this mission, she can even check on your project." She said while Yellow gave her a rare smile and nod. "Thank you and Jasper be sure to return with Lapis Lazuli and Peridot unharmed. I know that you won't fail me in your absence my elite Howlite will be my bodyguard." She said as she gently placed the Lapis Lazuli back onto the floor while Jasper saluted and bowed to her.

Jasper: "Yes, my diamond." She said while she grabbed onto Lapis Lazuli and walked out of the throne room.

The young diamond looked at the door before her eyes narrowed a bit while her pearls and family looked at her as her gem glowed brightly to hold her rapier.

Rose Pink: "I want to see this 'Steven' and these crystal gems. I want, no need answers..." She said while gripping her blade til it broke and faded away. "I want that traitor who shattered my mother!" She shouted out in anger as tears slide down her face but not from Blue.

 "I want that traitor who shattered my mother!" She shouted out in anger as tears slide down her face but not from Blue

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