🌺Corrupted Gems, Legs & Home💎

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Blue was smothering Y/n as well Steven against her cheek while she cried happy tears which made the other gems cry as well.

Y/n: "Aunt Blue, please stop crying we all can't see and your worrying me." She said as Aunt Yellow was trying to move her ship from the ocean only for it to break apart then at multiple questions to Steven as well Y/n as Blue stopped crying. "I didn't fully know whom Steven was til I sort of sneaked away here from home." She said sheepishly when Yellow and Blue began scolding her for being reckless and if anything had happened to her. "Aunt Blue, Yellow, I'm fine and I learned the truth from mother's former pearl whom has gained my trust back in her." She said honestly before Steven began talking to Blue, Yellow and his sister about the gems the four diamonds did during the war then showed them the corrupted gems. Yellow's power change Centi back physically, Blue helped regain emotions, Steven cleared and renewed the mind and Y/n approached the renewed gem as she saluted only for her blooming flowers to encase the gem healing her half way as Steven first did. "It's not enough, but if it where the five of us then..." She trailed off and shivered slightly.

Steven: "What? Who, who do we need Y/n?" He asked while Blue, Yellow and Y/n looked down at Steven.

Y/n: "Steven, we would need...White." She said while the other gems looked in shock, fear and disbelief. "It's the only way to heal them all back from this corruption sickness." She said while thinking as her pearls and Spinel followed after her. "My tiara can only hold me and a few of my trusted gems, if we could find mother's ship, her legs it would be easy." She said before Steven took them all to a desert between two huge pink hills.

After Steven found Pink's leg ship

Everyone returned to beach city with Pink's ship while Connie left to pack up things for the trip and talked to her parents as Y/n stood closer to the water looking at this thing called a sunset. Steven approached her alongside with Greg and lion, Steven hugged her leg suddenly which made her look down at him.

Steven: "Are you okay, sis?" He asked while Y/n sighed softly before kneeling down to Steven's level to pick him up in her palm. "Whoa, hehe giant older sister." He said laughing while making her giggle.

Y/n: "I'm okay, Steven now that I know the truth and that you're my little brother. I'm just upset that mother didn't tell me that I wasn't enough for her to stay, did I do something wrong?.... It doesn't matter anymore now." She said smiling at Steven as they hugged each other even Greg hugged them together the best he could since the young diamond was a foot shorter then Pink was. "Your my father now right, because you loved my mother?" She asked while Greg nodded and looked at her face.

Greg: "Of course, princess. You know you look a bit like her personality wise." He said while Steven left them be to talk to Bismuth. He ruffled Y/n's hot pink locks which made her giggle a bit as she held him carefully in her palms. "You are your own woman but I can see Rose I mean Pink in you, you may have been made like this but you are now a Universe." He said while he watched the other pearls and Spinel talking to the crystal gems. "He'll be okay right, you'll protect him?" He asked while they looked over at Steven as Bismuth was talking to him.

Y/n: "I'm the Healer of Homeworld, Siren of Gems, and Gem Ballerina but now I'll be adding Big sister to those array of titles. I'll keep Steven as safe as I can, father." She said seriously as she summons her gem shaped drop ship back onto her tiara ship on the sand.

Greg: "Dad." He said while Y/n looked down at him confused a bit til he asked her to shrink down after she put him back near Garnet and lion. Y/n shifted into the height of this Stevonie character that Steven told her about when Greg pulled the young diamond into a huge hug. "You can call me dad, sweetheart." He said while tears filled up Y/n's eyes but not from Aunt Blue influence as she hugged him back and let her tears fall onto the sand which made sea flora life appear.

Bismuth: "Steven, when you roar at them all remember that you'll have her by your side. Rose Pink Diamond is the diamond that listens the most of all of them. She cares about her court, her gems and this planet again." She said while Steven nodded as they looked over at other pink diamond individual. "Be a lion and roar as she will for all of us."

The older diamonds alongside Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl boarded Pink's legs while Y/n was in her tiara ship with her pearls and she watched as Steven took off in the most odd matter before following after the leg ship.

Y/n looked throughout her document screens while the ships were going through space before her ship perched itself above Pink's legs ship then a huge rose pink bubble encased her and her pearls to drop them beside Yellow, Blue, Steven, Connie, and the crystal gems.

Steven: "This is homeworld, look at all of these gems." He said in awe before noticing a huge rose pink diamond in the middle of the celebrating gems filled with female and even male gems. "Are those guy gems in that diamond pattern?" He questioned as Lilac and Light Pink Pearl chuckled a bit.

Lavender: "Light Pink, Vermillion, and myself aren't the lone male gems in the princess's court. She takes in many distinctive gems, even off colored gems." He said while his lone eye widened a tad in shock as he saw stars in Steven's eyes.

Light Pink:  "I'm sure, my princess will show you her court once you've seen white, Lord Steven." He said with a bow as a pristine white bubble floated over towards them to reveal White's pearl before she took Steven away to White. "My lady, let's get you and the crystal gems settled within the palace." He said

Y/n nodded before walking ahead elegantly with her pearls by her sides and the crystal gems behind them as her court bowed down to her as she walked past them, gathering the gem flowers from her very steps.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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