🌺The Trial of Rose Quartz💎

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Aquamarine came up towards Rose Pink Diamond and whispered softly in her ear before the young diamond waved her away to meet up with her aunts but not til she grabbed tight hold on the Aquamarine gem.

Rose Pink: "You threatened the topaz I sent with you again, remind me whom is the gem the approves the fusion of gems?" She said while Aquamarine looked up at her in fear while the two topazes stood next to her Howlite Guard and Garnet Commander.

Aquamarine: "Y-You do my diamond princess. I'm sorry I'll never speak out of turn again." She said in fear as the young diamond dropped the gem in front of her black onyx soldiers.

Rose Pink: "I know you won't... Onyx Soldiers poof and bubble her gem then take it to Aunt Yellow's palace. I've got a trial to go to. Come along, Lavender and Light Pink." She said while Lavender and Light Pink Pearl followed after her. "Send my Vermillion Zircon to help defend Rose Quartz with Blue Zircon." She ordered one of her rubies whom nodded and ran off. "I want this to be a fair trial even though I want to shatter that traitor." She said while walking away into the court area of her palace to teleport into the actual court room of the Diamonds.

" She said while walking away into the court area of her palace to teleport into the actual court room of the Diamonds

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Vermillion: "Blue, you're panicking again." A deep voice spoke up as the blue Zircon and Steven looked up seeing a tall male Vermillion red/Pink Zircon gem. "Rose Quartz, I am Vermillion. My princess sent me here to help with your defense although I see no reason why." He said while looking down to see a human child. "A human? What is the meaning of this. Blue?" He questioned as the female Zircon was freaking out. "Enough, we don't have time for this." He said seriously as the door opened up.

As the two Zircons entered the white lite up diamond platform with Steven, Blue was looking over the files while Vermillion just looked straight ahead as a white, blue, yellow and rose pink diamond symbol lit up the floor when a green Zircon appeared.

Green Zircon: "Blue defending a rebel I see, isn't that treason?" She joked til Vermillion glared at her when four pillars of light appeared in front of them. One yellow, one blue and two rose pink to reveal Yellow's, Blue's and Rose Pink's pearls.

Yellow Pearl: "All rise for the luminous Yellow Diamond!..." She said striking a elegant pose as Light Pink pearl held her hand that was near his face.

Blue Pearl: "...The lustrous Blue Diamond..." She said bowing beautifully as Lavender Pearl held her waist gently.

Lavender & Light Pink Pearl: "...And the perfectly flawless Rose Pink Diamond!" They said together before bowing down onto one knee as three huge lights filled the room behind the pearls to reveal Yellow, Blue and Rose Pink Diamond. Yellow in a more strict pose of a warrior, Blue in a calm pose of a saint and Rose Pink was at their upper knees in a ballerina starting pose.

The three elite gems opened their eyes but Rose Pink diamond's eyes widened drastically seeing Steven instead of Rose Quartz when her aunts were talking about how hideous Rose's new form was as well her far worse punishment. When Yellow summons the thrones of herself, Blue and Rose Pink, the three sat down while green Zircon spoke in praise as Yellow, Blue, Lavender and Rose Pink pearl stood at their pedestals by the thrones of their diamonds.

Rose Pink: "Vermillion, I am placing you as a go between and stop the accused if she speaks out of turn." She said while Vermillion, Blue, and Green Zircon were giving diamond's salute then Vermillion blew his diamond a kiss which made the princess smile. "Proceed." She commanded as the trail went on.

Blue: "How? How did you shatter Pink Diamond?" She asked after she raised the pedestal which Steven was on to look directly at Yellow, Blue and Rose Pink Diamond. Steven began saying how he was guilty even showed their gem.

Rose Pink: She looked directly at Steven's gem but felt that it looked famaliar some what as Blue was asking Steve to explain how they shattered her mom with a thing called the breaking point. "IT WAS A SWORD!" She shouted out only for all the gems in the court room to be hit by Rose Pink's power from her massive grief of lose, making every gem go onto their knees as she moved her throne closer to the accused pedestal. "I saw it myself... Rose Quartz shattered my mother, killed her right in front of me with a sword!" She shouted out again before covering her face as she began crying and the gems around her began feeling her pain, her anger for all of this. Light Pink and Lavender Pearl alongside Vermillion Zircon rushed to their diamond princess to comfort her as did her aunts.

Yellow: "That's quite enough testimony from you! How dare you make my niece re-live her trauma!" She shouted out as Blue held Rose Pink Diamond close as if shielding her from pain. "We shall take a short recess." She said Vermillion Zircon grabbed onto Steven's arm and Blue Zircon pulling them out of the room.

After a while of waiting as well calming down the trial resumed with a new thought in Blue Zircon mind. Three diamonds, four pearls and two zircons listened to Blue Zircon's testimony before she asked Rose Pink Diamond to use her palanquin for an example after she brought the human back.

Rose Pink: "Of course, Zircon." She said while after a wave of her head summoned her palanquin as Blue Zircon began explaining how could this had happened, how Rose Quartz got close to Pink Diamond when there were no other Rose Quartz in her court nor guard, the lack of Pink's attendants, her Agates, her Sapphires and then her Pearl. Yellow began shouting as Blue Zircon did the same back before saying whomever did this was close to Pink Diamond, someone her guard would allow to get close to her, someone she'd listen to, talk her especially when asked to stop her palanquin and step outside. As well someone with the authority to cover it all up afterwards, someone with supreme authority like a diamond.

Blue Zircon: "Someone like you, Rose Pink Diamond!" She shouted out as Blue gasped out in shock while Yellow glared at the Zircon about to stand up before Rose Pink Diamond motioned her aunts to stay put as she stood up from her throne and walked towards Blue Zircon. "Uh, disregard that last statement! I'm sorry my princess!" She shouted out in fear til the young diamond picked her up in her palm. "I might have gotten carried away!"

Rose Pink: "You did get carried away, little Zircon but I'm not going to punish you that's my aunt's discipline not my own." She said while handing Blue Zircon to her aunt Blue til green Zircon spoke up saying the case was closed. "Vermillion, silence her." She ordered as Vermillion Zircon quickly poofed green Zircon with his own gem weapon: a laser firing gem pistol before bubbling the gem off to Yellow's palace then the court started to go into a uproar shattering Rose Quartz or hoe pointless this trial was when Rose Pink Palanquin jumped out of the courtroom and into the dark abyss of Homeworld former kindergartens. "You can't run away from me here, Rose Quartz. I will have justice for what you did to my mother." She vowed watching her Palanquin plummet down into the dark. "I've waited six thousand years to get you, I can wait a little longer." She said while summoning three of her robonoid drones. "Find Rose Quartz and that human, he'll be going to the human zoo." She ordered as the drones vanished after the trio against the dark.

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